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We step onto a large skyscraper on Earth-65. The moon creates luminous light around the city under us. Mixed dim colors, catch my eyes. Every dimension has its own unique version of normal. It almost makes me miss home...miss my mom.

Multiple screams echo in front of us; sirens erupt from under us and towards the scene. I sense another spider life in the direction of the danger. Readying myself up to jump in action, Miguel stops me.

"Alright, you watch from above. Im going in."

"Um, no that's a horrible plan. I should be going with you, it's just us right now."

He moves towards the cliff, scanning the area. "That's exactly why I need you here. If I need backup, he won't see you coming. Plus your job is keeping him from ruining a canon vent. Meaning not-"

"Letting him see the city lights. Yeah yeah I got it. Jeez so controlling." I roll my eyes, trying to get an action out of him. He turns his head towards me, obviously displeased. "Do me a favor and try not to die." With the little sense of teasing in my words, I worry in the end everything just might fail.

"No promises."

His hand stretched out as a web attaches to a building and easing him towards the danger.

He must've worried the potential of failing at his tasks. Getting to know him as the month fly by, I can't help but see the satisfaction on his face when he does a good days of work. It's what clenches my heart and turns to stomach in the most uneasiest ways.

I sit of the end of the building, waiting for my time to come. My legs swing back and forth as I lift my mask up to see the city more clearer. The unidentifiable scent lingering in the air and strange drift in color anywhere I look makes me feel like a newborn child trying to comprehend what they just came into.

Not even ten minutes go by before my gadget starts to go off. Miguel sends out an alert for help which brings me content. "Miss me already?" I whisper to myself before bringing my mask over my face.

Swinging towards the scene, I see a collapsing museum surrounded by cop cars. Making my way inside without being scene, I come face to face with our villain. The vulture looks down towards Miguels collapsed body. Slightly feeling my breath hitch, I take this moment to kick the vulture across the museum. His body hits a wall before sliding to the floor. I notice how his body if colored in paper...unless the paper is his body.

"Wha- whoa, Miguel look at this dude. He's only paper." I laugh out loud before feeling my spider senses drift me towards the destroyed floor below me. A girl in a suit stares up at me in awe. Forgetting about Miguel for a second, I move towards the girl in her suit opposite from mine.

"Spider girl, nice to meet you." I extend my hand for hers to grasp. She stares at me in shock, not witnessing my hand in front of her. I pull it back awkwardly.

"Me too." She says.

"I can see that," I chuckle.

"How did you do that?" She asks.

I tilt me head, "Do what?"

"That kick thing."

Feeling half modest, my cheeks flush under the mask. Luckily for her to not see. "Oh, uhh...idk, I kinda just....did it"

"will you adopt me?"

"Heh...." Her question catches me very off guard. How even old is this girl? All I know is she can't be too far from me.


"Guys! Can we focus on the big fire-breathing threat to time and space please?"

Miguel claws the vultures back, steadying himself as he is flown in the air. Both spider girl and I nod towards his direction and head separate ways. Watching her swing swiftly in the air, Miguel swings next to me in a desperate attempt to figure a solution out.

(Miguel O'Hara x Reader) MJ or not I still love youWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu