Chapter 15: First day

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First day... I want to die.

"Do I have to? I could homeschool myself."
I ask my VERY TALL boyfriend who was currently playing on his phone.

"No because you'd never leave the house. Plus you'd get bored and lonely so you'd just end up playing video games for the next 6 hours." He stated as if its the most obvious thing in the world.

"I hate you." I pout and turn away.

"No you don't." He says blandly.

"Can you show some emotion? Like a smile?" I pulled on my lips, making a smile.

"I am smiling see." His lips were in a street line, but once I got closer I saw the tiniest little curve.

"So weird... anyways off into the school."
I march into the premises before immediately stepping out.
"Yeah, I'm not going."

"Yes you are." He started dragging me in by my wrist.

"Stop being stronger than me."

"No its easier if I am."

I pout and say "I'm going to kill you if I embarrass myself."

"How's that my fault?"

"If I embarrass myself it's your fault because you forced me inside the school."

"Yeah, yeah."

I pouted at his dismissive tone. I stood up on my own walking since being dragged wasn't as fun as it sounds.

"I need to go... the principals office is that way." He pointed down the corridor. "He'll give you your squedual."

I nodded and I hugged him goodbye. "I'll see in 1000 years..."

"You're exaggerating."

"I'm really not. Anyways bye byee... don't sleep in class."

"I will."

"Just go." I waved him off and started walking in the direction of the principals office.

Time skip ♡

"I embarrassed myself..." I slumped my shoulders with my face buried deep into my hands.

"It's not even that bad."

"You don't understand! I spilled my water! Infront of the principal!" I yelled at him, shaking him by his shoulders.

"You cleaned it up." He didn't seem to get it.

"And then I got some on my skirt! And my skirts light grey!"

"Don't worry you're fine, your grades are good so he'll probably look past that."
He held my hand reassuringly.

"Thanks... ugh I could kiss you." I said with rosey cheeks.

"You can if you want."

"Oh shut up." I hit him on the shoulder playfully.

"But seriously, you'll be fine."

"I hope so, also wheres Mr. Money bags?"
I looked around in confusion. From the small time I'd been here I knew they were inseparable.

"Probably with his girlfriend-"

I cut him off with an excited tone. "Do I get to meet her! I wanna meet her!"

"Well you can. She's right behind you."


"HI!" I jumped back into Seishiro at her loud voice. "You seem very jumpy..."

I now stared at the girl, she had short black hair that just passed her chin, her grey eyes matched with her clear skin perfectly. She was ethereal in my personal opinion. Before I could do anything else my own thoughts slipped from my lips.
"Go out with me."

Her eyes widened at this, most likely not expecting to be asked that. "Um... no? I'm not tryna be rude because you're very pretty but aren't you in a relationship?"

"Oh I forgot about that..." I turn to Seishiro who didn't really look upset. "Sorry dude."

"It's alright." He said before going back to playing on his phone.

"No pet names? Are you guys even dating? Have you even kissed?" She asked while I look away and he ignored her.

"Anyways what's your name?" I asked, sitting back up so I wasn't leaning on Seishiro.

"Aki Okamoto, yours?" She extended her hand too me.

"Noel Kaiser." I shook her hand. Even her hands were pretty...

"I am so sorry you have to stare at the abomination of a man..."

"I'm assuming you're talking about Michael."

"Yes, him and his ugly rat tail."

"I feel sorry for myself too..." I held a hand over my heart while I pity myself.

"I like her, I'm stealing her from you Nagi."
I felt her arms warp around my shoulders; pulling my head to her chest.


"Let's date."

"Of course."

"Do I get any say?" He asked, I could see annoyance on his face that'd I'd never seen before.

Aki moved so her lips were near my ear.
"I think he's jealous...~"

"Yeah, I'd be jealous if someone was flirting with me too."

"What?" He raised an eyebrow.

"I'm just so great, who wouldn't be jealous. Not in an egotistical way, I'm stating it as a fact."

"Just... stop flirting. Its annoying." He sighed focusing his attention back to his phone.

"Awwweee, you're jealous~" I pulled on his cheek, his attention not averting.

"I'm not jealous."

"You are."

"I'm not."

"Oh but you are dear."

"I'm not jealous beautiful, I'm just not fond of you flirting with her."

I immediately stopped teasing at the nickname. No matter how many times he said it, it never failed to make my heart flutter.

"You guys look like something from a romance novel..." Aki said.

"Um thanks?" I moved away from Seishiro, looking at her a bit confused.

"You're back to a middle school couple who are only dating to not look pathetic."

"Is this some sort of ranking?"

"Yes. And you two are... a 6 out of 10 you could kiss and it'd go to ten."

The bell rang, lunch was over.
"We have class now."

"Ugh all the people in my class are slutty teenagers that smell like body odor." She whined

"Well it's my first day."

"Ahh, that's bad. Well have fun. Bye bye."
Before I knew it she had left.

"She's so pretty." I just stared at where she once was. Goddammit that stair is so lucky to have been stepped on by her.

"You're prettier." He said, turning off his phone and taking me to our class.


Note: casually adds Aki to this book as her bsf. Look at my look 'I LOVE you' and you'll know who she is.
(May aswell check out Pinky Promise if you're going on my profile...)
This will go back to a chatfic soon because of blue lock

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