Chapter 4: Corpse bride

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Waking up to being shaken by Michael wasn't the best thing in the world. "Get off of me."

"Oh good you're awake, I was about to poor freezing water on you."

"And give me the risk of hypothermia, pneumonia and frost bite?"

"I mean it's not me, soo, yeah."

"Your such an ass."

"Great, now get up, you have school." He exited the room. He said I have school so I check the time, seeing I only have 10 minutes to get ready.

'Fucking asshole, waking me up just before school.' I got dressed, I mean at least I don't wear make up. That would be a pain right about now.

I mean, me being late for school wasn't completely on him. I was up all night watching corps bride because it's just so beautiful. Honestly I do not know how many times I have watched it, but I never get bored of it.

Arriving at school just to be late. 'This is why I hate god.'

I snuck into the classroom, the teacher luckily didn't notice me. "So why were you late?" My best friend, Ashley, had asked.

"Watching corpse bride."

"You and that movie I swear to god-"

"Shhh, the christians will hear you!"

"Oh shit, you're right."

"Anyways, focus on class."

(At lunch, and at 200 words here.)

"You spent all night watching corpse bride?" My other friend, Andrew said.

"Yes, if my future man or woman won't watch it with me over and over i don't wanem."

"Like you can pull-"

"Hey I can pull, I'm just a little special!"

"A little special she says." Watching both my friends laugh, slightly offended by their words, but what kind of best friend would they be if they didn't joke.

"I am a little special, and haven't both of you liked me in the past?"

"Uhh, we don't talk about that." Ashley has a girlfriend and moved on from me which was a good thing, but Andrew wasn't the same...

"To be honest, still waiting for you to like me."

"See I can pull-" I was cut off my phone getting a notification, that was weird, no one texts me-

"Oh, who could that be?"

"Just hopefully not Michael."

"Im not gay or anything, but I would let that guy do unholy thingd too me."

"That makes you gay."

"You're the one talking- Hey! Noel, what are you doing?"

It was Seishiro who texted me to play genshin with him."Playing genshin?"

"You were in the middle of a conversation though."

"Your point? I'm busy, in co-op."


"My friend?"

"You're such a cheater!"

"She's not a cheater, she can have other friends."

"Yeah, be more like Ashley."

"I will not!"

"Oh, we'll deal with it dipshit. This guy is literally my future man."

They both stared at me. I look up at them confused, why would they suddenly shut up? In all the years I've known them they've never been this quiet.

"...a real life guy?"

"Yeah, I don't believe it."

I scoff, holding my hand to my chest in offence. "I do like real life guys too!"

"Yeah, no. The last 'real life guy' you liked was your Byakuya Kuchiki body pillow."

"And before that it was your William James Moriarty figure."

"...shush." I mean, they were both right. But that stuff is real so I'm right too.

"You shall not tell me to shush! I'll have Rose kill you."

"No, that demon scares me!" Rose was Ashley's girlfriend, and was quite overprotective, she's only sweet to Ashley.

"She's right, that is no woman, that is satan."

"Anyways you guys go away." I started playing on my phone again. Aggressively tapping my screen, because I was attacking Scaramouche.

"I refuse to leave, you do not scare me!"

"Yeah we can stay."

"Fine, but only because Ashley is hot enough I listen to her."

"Noooeelll, can I braid your hair?"

"No, Andrew. You have to wash your hands 5 times for 4 minutes each before touching my beautiful hair."

"My hands ain't even dirty!"

"Good for you."

I return my attention to my phone, laughing a little at his glitching.

"You think she's got a crush."

"That crush should be on me."

"She don't want you, who would?"


"Shuddup, just hit 230k..." Seishiro's supports were a lot better than mine, getting my hu tou too crit higher than usual. The bell went off, meaning it's time for last period.

"Well time to suffer more school..."

Note: I have an unhealthy obsession with corps bride. But, my cat sniffed my foot so I started writing. Yeah I'm a little Insane. BUT THIS IS MY LONGEST CHAPTER YET!! But it was a filler, and building character background becauseeee Noel has real issues sooooo, yeah. Also no hate to Christians in this, I'm Christian myself!! (yet I'm still an atheist-?)

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