Chapter 8: Disgusting

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Note: I got begged for nudes, now I feel disgusting so this is a vent chapter. All of this happened to me and I wanna throw up even if it's not a big deal. I could be over reacting but he was my friend.

Do not read if your not comfortable ig, but there is sort of fluff.

Seishiro *ଘ( ॢᵕ꒶̮ᵕ(꒡ᵋ ꒡ღ)zZ‥


You haven't messaged me today

Are you okay?


Hello? :x



I'm good

Sort of

Are you sure?

You sound off

But not stressed off

Just somethings wrong off

Just stuff

Can you tell me?

Just some private stuff

Are you sure you're okay?

I would like to help you

I don't know

It's quite a long story

I'll listen

Ill tell you on the phone


Incoming call from Seishiro *ଘ( ॢᵕ꒶̮ᵕ(꒡ᵋ ꒡ღ)zZ‥

Decline                             Accept

Decline                             Accept

"Hello?" I heard from the other line. I always loved his voice, it was sooo... I can't really describe it. Soothing? Yeah, that's the right word.


"So, can you tell me?"

"So basically, I met this guy who was friends with a friend of my friend. And i started talking to him with the intention to make friends."

"Well that's nice of you."

"Yeah I guess, but as I was saying, we started talking and we got along. He was also 2 years older than me so it wasn't to big of an age gap."


"But I got into an argument with him over something I said that had nothing to do with him. Then we stopped talking for like a week."

"It had nothing to do with him though?"

"Some people just react that way. I stopped talking to him before he started talking to me again. He asked me my favourite ice creamflavour, which was very random but, I told him. Strawberry by the way. And he said he would buy it for me."

"Maybe he's not that bad."

"Yeah, but after that he said out of the blue 'can I see your tits?' And I was surprised so I said nothing thinking it was a joke. After I said nothing he texted me saying 'or the other.' And then I told him no."

 I inhaled a deep breath, letting it out slowly. 

"He then started saying please over and over again. I reminded him that i am 16 and a minor. He then just replied with 'so? The younger the better' so I told him if he continued asking I'd block him and delete his contact. But he kept on asking so I did just that."

"He's an asshole."

"He was nice at first though. We were friends for nearly a year. He introduced me to his girlfriend! I just don't get it."

"I guess some people just are assholes."

"Are you an asshole?"

"No. Being an asshole sounds like a hassle."

"You seem to call everything a hassle." I chuckle.

"Most things are."

"Am I hassle?"


I raised an eyebrow, even though he couldn't see it on a voice call. "How so?"

"I don't know. When I talk to you I'm not forcing myself to do it. I want to talk to you."

"That's incredibly sweet."

"Not really."

"You just ruined it."

"No that's not what I mean. I mean that it's not sweet because it's true. If somethings sweet people are saying it to be nice even if it is true. I'm not saying it to be nice, I'm saying it as a fact."

"Did you just make it so you were being sweet but not at the same time??"

"I guess."

"I'll take it as sweet."


I heard my brother call from down stairs. "I gotta go see you later."

"Bye beautiful."

EXPECTATIONS: Seishiro NagiWhere stories live. Discover now