Answer 14

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Nina: Got a box of tissues handy? I hope so, because it's pretty sad. The answer... "I'm sorry, Odette!"

Yuri: Even though Derek assured Odette he would return, he suddenly realized it became impossible for him to get through those choppy waters. So he quietly tells Odette he's sorry before he slips into the deep, and we watch as our favorite hero drowns right in front of our eyes.

Amanda: That whole scene had me on the edge of my seat and screaming, "Come on, Derek, don't give up!" But when he let himself drown, I started crying. Luckily, Derek didn't get too far as a hand reached out and saved him. Who was it? None other than King Maximillian, alive and well! It shocked not only the citizens of Chamberg, but the viewers at home.

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