You're undead to me. (1 x 5)

Começar do início

" what was unavoidable?" I asked him as he just looked down. I was waiting for an answer. I huffed, " okay." I grabbed my stuff as I tried to get past him.

" no, Sadie please." He asked, trying to stop me, so I turned around.

" no, Stefan don't you get it? Every question gets a vague non-answer. What is so sawfly that you're afraid to tell me?" I questioned before I got interrupted by an old man just stood there looking at Stefan.

" I know you.." the old man began to say, pointing fingers. " my god!" He said.

" I'm sorry?" Stefan looked so confused.

" I know you." He repeated once again. " how can it be?" He added.

" I think you have the wrong person, sir." I added in. Has he gone crazy or something?

" you haven't aged a day!!" I was so confused, what was he talking about?

I turned my head over to Stefan as he swallowed. The man looked him up and down.

" I'm sorry, excuse me." He turned to me again. " hey can I take you him and we can talk about it?" He asked me politely, guiding me to the exit.

I stopped walking. " wait what was that?" I began to question again.

" I don't know.. nothing!"

" right. Nothing. Okay, um.... I gotta go Stefan. Excuse me." I dismiss myself as I walk out of the grill.


I got home, got changed into my pjs and got my diary, as per usual.

"Dear diary, I tried. I want so much to make things right.. but every instinct in my body is telling me to be careful  what you don't know can hurt you." That's all my brain wanted to spit out, so I closed my diary and headed downstairs.

" what's wrong with you?" My younger brother questioned as I hugged onto my teddy, staring blankly at the floor.

" I'm miserable." I answered.

" well, you should go get something to eat!" He made me smile at least, him trying to cheer me up is so funny. 

I walked into my kitchen and heard silverware clinking. Jenna wasn't home. And Jeremy was upstairs.

I opened the door to see Stefan making dinner. How sweet.

" Jeremy told me chicken Parmesan is one of your favourites." He smiled, which made me smile.

" I don't know what you're trying to accomplish." I mumbled.

" well you wanna know me right? And I figure if you're gonna dump me, you should at least know who you're dumping." He continued to cut the vegetables.

"So let's start with Katherine." He started to talk about what he was originally talking about at the grill. He described every detail of her which made a clear image in my mind of  who she was.

The rest of the evening went fast. Stefan made it up to me and we acted like nothing happened.


before you knew it, it was the next day. Car wash day!

Caroline was in-charge of the money and funds. Being little miss bossy like she always is when it comes to events like this.

Caroline told us we  all  have to look sexy, just like the party.

Bonnie made a little enemy, and she used her witchy powers to turn the place into total chaos. Water splashes everywhere. It so happened to be the old man's granddaughter who we saw at the grill.

Later on, I was helping count all the money we made. The same old man we saw at the grill walked over to me to pay.

" that'll me 20 bucks!" I said, as I opened the tin aka our cash machine. He handed me the money over.
" I saw you last were talking to a friend of mine. At the grill." I described.

" well k thought it was somebody I knew." He said.

" Stefan Salvatore?" I questioned as I put my hand up on my forehead to block the sun shining in my eyes.

" no it can't be. It was just my mind playing tricks on me." He laughed.

" where do you think you'd seen him before?" I asked, intrigued.

" when i first moved here, I stayed at the Salvatore boarding house. Stefan was just passing through to visit his uncle. I mean none of us knew he was even there until the attack." The last part got me.

" the attack?"

" his uncle got killed. Mauled  by an animal in the woods." He stated.

" his uncle? Zach?" I was so confused.

He shook his head. " Joseph."

" I'm sorry sir, I don't think I'm familiar with this story."  I said.

" how could you? I mean, this happened years ago!" His granddaughter began to walk over. He started to walk off with his granddaughter so I got up and out of my seat and walked over to him.

" hey, sir, I'm sorry. Are you sure that the man that you saw.. that you knew, his name was Stefan Salvatore?" I questioned.

" yes..." he said quietly under his breath. " I remember his ring. And his brother."

" Damon?" I added in.

" yeah." He nodded. " Stefan and Damon Salvatore."

" when was this..?" I furrowed my eyebrows, because from what I know this hasn't happened ever.

" it was... early June... 1953." Thoughts were running inside my head. How is it even possible! He hasn't aged? He just looks like a normal 17 year old..


After I cleared my mind, I walked off to go find Logan, the local news reporter. He told me where you can find evidence from the past.

I made my way to the station, where all the archives are located. I logged onto the computer and scrolled to the 50s, and typed in ' Joseph Salvatore animal attack.'

There was this video that came up of a man reporting the scene from outside the mansion. The was a guy in the background. The face was hidden from a shadow so I couldn't see who it was. It looked like Stefan from what was there. How?....


" dear diary," I began to write. "I'm not a believer. People are born, they grow old and then they die. That's the world we live in. There's no magic, no mysticism, no immortality. There is nothing that defies rational thoughts. 
People are supposed to be who they say they are, and not lie.. or hide their true selves. It's not possible, I'm not a believer, I can't be. But how can I deny what's right in front of me? Someone who never grows old. Never gets hurt. Someone who changed in ways  that can't be explained. Girls bitten.  Bodies drained of blood." I closed my diary. Things were all making sense. Maybe they are true...

I made my way to the Salvatore house. I was about to knock on the door but it opened, revealing Stefan and some wood in his hand. I was traumatised.

" what are you?!" I started to breathe heavier and heavier. No response.

" what are you?!?" I began to raise my voice.

" I'm a vampire.." Stefan said as tears rolled down his cheek. My jaw dropped open. What is happening. This can't be real?!

VOILAAAAAA episode 5 is done and dusted!! Please make sure to like and vote so this story gets more views xx

•~ Born to die ~•  ||~ tvd  x Oc Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora