Inexperienced (BDSM)

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Book Title: Inexperienced

Author: NikkiBug16

Status: Completed

Tags For The Book: #kinks, #kinky, #sky, #wattys2022

Summary (Book Description) : "This is not a trafficking circle, this is a dominant, submissive club", the man explains through chuckles, I wipe away my tears and stare at him in confusion. His eyes fill with understandment.

"You don't know what that is do you?" I shake my head scared that if I lie there will be some punishment.

"That explains so much," he sighs and looks at me then nods as if making a decision.

*I'd like to also say that this book is VERY FICTIONAL so please don't go out there thinking that the way these characters interact or any of the toxic traits romanticized is ok. Don't apply any of this with anything in the real world.
*Warning of emotional and sexual abuse.
*If that is triggering, please don't read this book.

Highest Ranking
#1 in kink
#2 in shy

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