His Lethal Craving

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Book Title: His Lethal Craving

Author: secrets0fmygrenade

Status: Ongoing (Last updated May 30, 2019)

Tags For The Book: #adult, #bdsm, #college, #dominant, #dxs, #innocent, #kinky, #naughty, #romance, #submission, #submissive, #taboo

Summary (Book Description) : " This can't happen. " I frown staring into his eyes. I don't who I'm convincing more, me or him?

" What can't happen? " He leans down whispering into my ear.

" You know what I'm talking about. " I mumble.

" You're going to have to be more specific than that baby. " He says slowly trailing his hands up my dress.

" Wait. " He stopped, " Do you have on panties? " He stared down at me.

I couldn't look him in the eyes, so I kept my head down. " No. " I shook my head.

" Good girl. " He groaned. Slipping a finger right into my dripping core.

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