
519 10 0

November 25th, 2023

Carson's POV:

My parents and I just landed at JFK airport and were looking into car windows trying to find Jack. He told me a black escalade which is like the most common car ever apparently. 

Finally peaking into his car, a huge smile overcomes my face as he gets out and walks around to us. I don't even let him speak, instantly wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him in for a hug. 

I let go and introduce him to my parents, Jack hugging my mom and shaking my dads hand. He helps us put our luggage in the trunk before climbing into the driver's seat and heading off towards his apartment. 

He points out different landmarks as we pass them. "So that building right there, Prudential, that's where we play but they do like concerts and basketball in their as well" he points.

"Do you guys live in Newark?" my mom asks from the back. "No, I don't think any guy on the team does. Mostly in the suburbs if they have a family or in the city like Luke and I" he explains. 

Jack keeps driving and explaining as we enter the city and boy am I amazed. I carefully take in all my surroundings and it's nothing like I've ever seen before. 

We pull into a parking garage under a building which I assumes is the apartment complex. We all get out and retrieve our bags from the trunk. "Do you guys wanna come upstairs or just go to your hotel room?" Jack asks my parents, leading us to the elevator. 

"Uh we'll go to the hotel room, we're pretty spent" my dad says and my mom agreeing, "We aren't getting any younger" she jokes. Jack laughs and hits the main floor button. 

All of us only packed backpacks so its easy for us to get down the street and to the hotel my parents will be staying at for the next few days. Jack gets them all checked in before we set a time to have dinner and they head toward the stairs. 

On the way back to Jack's he grabs my hands and laces our fingers together, looking down at me with a smile. 

He unlocks his door and lets me walk through first, me setting my bag down on the table and looking around his apartment. Boring but clean. I didn't expect anything more. 

"I've missed you" he says coming up behind me and placing his chin on my shoulder. I turn around in his grip and look up at him. "I've missed you too" I say with a smile. 

He brings his lips down to mine and we stand there, just wanting to feel each other again. "EW stop, I'm still home!" I hear from across the living room. 

Detaching myself from Jack, I run across the room and see Luke laying on the couch. "LUKE!!" I squeal, jumping on top of him. He chuckles and gives me a hug, asking how the flight was. 

After getting bored of hanging out with Luke, I retrieve my bag from beside Jack who has a smirk on his face. Not waiting for his direction I walk up the stairs and peer into the two bedrooms before walking into his. 

"Here I cleared you a drawer so you don't have to live out of your bag" Jack says, going over to his closet and showing me the space. I thank him and start pulling my clothes out, hanging them up. 

Jack sits back on his bed and just watches, occasionally inserting a comment here or there. 

It doesn't take me long to unpack my stuff so I search through Jack's drawers to find one of his shirts. I undress and slide it on, grabbing him and pulling him down next to me to cuddle. 


Carson's POV:

"Hey you guys gotta wake up, we have dinner with your parents in 30 minutes" I hear Luke say while shoving Jack and I awake. We both let out groans before sitting up. "Thanks Luke" I tell him with a smile. 

Putting my jeans back on from earlier, I grab a light sweater to wear and make myself look presentable. Jack gets dressed as well and then we walk out into the living room and watch tv with Luke until its time for all of us to go. 

"They're here" I say, standing up and grabbing my shoes. The boys follow suit and grab their jackets. It gets kinda cold at night with all the wind and stuff. 

Meeting my parents on the street, I introduce them to Luke and then we set off to Luke's favorite restaurant apparently. We talk amongst ourselves the entire walk, my parents getting to slightly know the brothers. 

We get sat at this beautiful Italian place and order our food before more conversation gets going. 

Tonight goes by so smoothly, my parents falling in love with Jack and Luke. We finish off dinner with Jack handing his card to the waiter before any of us can and we walk back towards their apartment, bidding my parents good night in the process. 

"We should go sight seeing tomorrow" I say to the boys in the elevator. They nod their heads and say they know of a few places. 

Since it's quite late, Luke goes into his bedroom with Jack and I going into his. Stripping and putting the same shirt back on as earlier, I climb into bed next to Jack and fall asleep quickly. 

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