
893 11 4

June 16th, 2023

Luke's POV:

Reservation? Check. Time? Check. Flowers? Check. 

Mentally going through my checklist for the evening plans I made, I nervously make my way outside to the deck where I know Carson is sitting alone. 

Opening the door and stepping out, I quickly clear my throat. "Um Carson?" I say, mentally scolding myself for sounding nervous.

"What's up Luke?" she asks me, turning her whole body to face me.

"I was- Well I was wondering if you were free tonight and wanted to get dinner with me?" I ask her. 

"Oh Lukey I would love too!" she tells me standing up so I'm not bending my neck to look down at her. 

"Ok, ok great. Uh I made reservations for 6:30." I tell her, trying to hide my excitement. 

"Ouh awesome. What should I wear?" she excitedly asks me.

"One of your cute little dresses" I shyly tell her. 

Nodding her head she tells me she thinks she has a good one in mind. 

"Oh I almost forgot. These are for you" I awkwardly say, passing her the flowers I bought.

"Thank you Luke. These are my favorite. I'm gonna go put them in a vase" she tells me before wrapping her arms quickly around my neck. Before I can wrap my arms around her waist, she's already walking inside. 

Wiping the sweat off my forehead I walk upstairs to by room, getting changed into swimming trunks and heading down to the lake to cool off. 

Carson's POV:

Pulling a vase from one of the cabinets, I fill it with water and arrange the flowers nicely in it. 

"Who are those from?" Sadie asks me, taking a seat at one of the barstools. 

"From your brother actually" I tell her, slightly smiling. 

"Luke bought you flowers! He is whipped!" Sadie screams, practically falling off her chair.

Laughing, I ask her how she knows it was Luke I was referring to.

"Luke's the only one sweet enough to do something like that. Did he at least ask you on a date to go along with those flowers?" she asks me, becoming skeptical about his intentions. 

"He did actually. 6:30 tonight. Told me to wear one of my cute little dresses" I tell her, giving her all the details. 

"So do you like him? Since ya know, you did say yes. So..." she inquires. 

The color instantly drains from my face: "Sadie oh no. Please tell me it's not like that. I thought it was as friends!"

All she can do is laugh at me. Telling me I'm digging myself a hole and I better find a way out of it. 

Jack's POV:

I'm walking upstairs from the basement to get Quinn and I a snack, when I hear Sadie and Carson having what seems to be an interesting conversation. 

Scooting closer to the door so I can listen without exposing myself, I hear them talking about how Luke asked Carson out on a date tonight. 

After this I can hear Carson starting to panic not realizing that Luke meant it as a date date, her thinking they were just getting dinner as friends. 

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