Chapter 21: I Can Give You Peace

Start from the beginning

Massie was comfortable with it. It felt like a reassurance to know he was always there.

She wasn't sure how Wren felt about it. His hostility had simmered. His snapped insults have curved into teasing quips. She could almost say that he didn't despise her presence anymore.

She could definitely say that she was starting to love him.

He crowed close to her in the kitchen, but never touching. Close enough to feel the air move with the flutter of his wing. Close enough to feel the heat that came off him.

He dipped his finger in the biscuit dough and licked it off his finger. His face immediately scrunched up in disgust.

She snorted. "It needs to be cooked, bird-man."

He gave her a flat look and wiped his doughy finger on her shirt. He couldn't get mad about bird-man when it was Gael and Jace who called him that.

He almost tripped over the rug the first time Jace shouted, "Come on, bird-man!"

It was magical.

"The full moon is in two weeks," Wren said.

She nodded her head and shaped a biscuit.

He held his breath for a second before releasing it in a deep sigh.

She tried not to smile at him reigning in his temper.

"What should we expect?" He asked, almost pleasantly.

She hummed. "Well, it will be pretty bright outside. Nature's magic swells up like the tide."

He clenched his jaw.

"Some magical creatures are more active around the full moon."

His lip lifted in a snarl. He was such an angry little cat. "No shit? Magical creatures like the werewolf pups we have living with us?"

Her body flushed with warmth at his use of 'we' and 'us'.

She widen her eyes and gave him an innocent look. "Oh yeah, like them."

His composure broke. His feathers puffed up in annoyance and his face scrunched up in an angry pout that would scare people with more sense.

Massie was not one of those people.

"Calm yourself, little bird." She said the last part with a teasing tilt to her voice.

He always called her little. Little shit, little witch, little-pain-in-the-ass, little weed.

He snapped his teeth at her. It was a terrifying sight. She giggled.

"The boys won't shift this full moon." She said and she placed the tray of biscuits in the oven."

"Why." He demanded instead of asked.

She sighed and busied herself with cleaning up the mess. "They had silver poisoning. Silver wreaks havoc on the immune system of werewolves. It takes a while for it to flush completely out."

She turned to face him fully. "It will be a rough night. They will be restless with the call of the moon. They might be sick or in pain, but they won't transform."

She had searched through her magical texts when the boys first arrived. She didn't have much on werewolves so she called her brother. His library was extensive and he had access to all sorts of magical creatures that lived in his town, including werewolves.

He sent her a PDF copy of a book on werewolves and grimly told her about what their first full moon would be like.

Wren's brow furrowed in concern.

She dared to pat him on the arm. "It will pass and then we can start planning for next month."

She checked the crock pot where her soup was cooking and grabbed the kitchen timer. She walked outside and sat on the porch. Wren followed but kept a good distance between them when he sat down.

Spring was progressing. A chill was in the air but the skies were clear and the sun was shining.

The boys ran back and forth, kicking a soccer ball between them.

Massie tilted her face towards the sun. "It's going to snow."

Wren lazily waved a hand at the sky. "Sure looks like it."

Massie closed her eyes and listened as magic moved through the air and where it was burrowed in the soil. "Yup. Probably going to be at least four inches."

Wren made a dismissive sound in his throat. "Insane, little witch."


When they all sat down for an early dinner, the clouds had rolled in and covered the sky. The wind picked up while the boys got ready for bed.

Wren stood next to the window and looked out. "No snow."

"You'll see." She responded. 

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