Ch8 Family Secrets

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(Warnings: Mentioning of Elias's illness and abusive family situation. Mentioning of Ian cheating. Some innuendos.)

"A bedroom?"

But not the same one you woke up in. Their was a rather large bed inside and it looked perfectly made. Fluffy big pillows sat on top of silk sheets and next to the bed was a small bedside table, one or two paintings on the walls...It had a little bit less furniture than the room you were in but it looked more..sad? 

"It's emptier but it looks like the same one I was on otherwise."

"I'm actually not surprised. There was seven kids and two parents so it wouldn't be too out of the ordinary for them all to look the same. Can you tell who's bedroom it is?" 

Your eyes looked around the place. Silence other than the rain pounding against the roof with the occasional thunder. There wasn't any proraits so there wasn't much to tell. "I'm.. actually not sure but maybe it's Elias's? It's in pretty good shape compared to the rest of the second floor. If that's the case, maybe there's some clues in here."

"Take a look around and be careful."

If this truly was Elias's room then maybe there was some clues around here. Maybe something that could give a clue about the curse? Or maybe a clue to the missing fortune? If not those then maybe the missing recipe book Elias was looking for. That'd be one problem solved at least. You carefully lifted up both pillows and then looked under the mattress before kneeling down to look under the bed itself. Nothing. And there wasn't anything on the table other than an old lamp. Lightning lit up the room and your eyes were drawn to a vanity complete with a large mirror. Maybe there's something there that? You got back up careful to not trip on your long veil and made your way over it. A small rectangle object catching your eye. 

"Hey. There's an ornate box on the vanity. It's gotta have something important right?"

"Be careful. That thing might be spring loaded with some kinda trap!" 

You deadpanned. "I doubt that." Despite that you slowly reached out to grab the lid, and lifted it up just enough to slide it off before putting it aside and looking it just as another lightning strike lit up the room and letting you see the inside of the box....You blinked before your brows furrowed. "Broken glass?"

"... What?"

Your hand reached inside to grab the first large shard on top of the small pile, and brought it up to your face. A piece of your make up face peered back to you and you again pushed back the front of your veil to look at it better. ".... It's just a pile of No. It looks too reflective to be glass."

"Didn't you mention earlier that Elias had a broken mirror?" Oh yeah that's right. Guess this was his room then. "Why waste a nice box on something like that though?"

Instead of answering you just gently put the shard back into the box before placing the lid back on top of it. If this really belonged to Elias's grandmother, then it must've been very sentimental to him and you were better off leaving it alone. A quick look around the vanity didn't show anything else of interest but your eye DID catch something of interest reflected in the mirror behind you. Another bookshelf on the wall by the bed. Your head turned before you walked over to it. Maybe that's where he left the book you needed?

Until Death Do You VowTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon