Ch10 Objections

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(Warnings: Mentioning of death, mentioning of Taylor's family Life.)

You blinked at the sudden difference in light and automatically held up a hand to  shield your eyes- Only to stumble forward when Elias took your hand and pulled you forward into the room. You stumbled almost tripping forward face first, but managed to stand upright and blink taking in your surroundings. And you were pretty stunned by what you saw.

Heels walked over a tattered red carpet through the dim cavernous room. The room certainly was massive and your eyes only widened more as you took in more and more of the surroundings. A long table was near the center of the room full of extravagant dishes, old slightly dusty wine bottles, crystal glasses, silver cutlery, and of course the wedding cake Elias decorated up to look as if it Should belong at a Hollywood party. The smells hit your nose and you almost stumbled from how delicious it was. Did Elias really make all of this himself? The room was decked out in white and all the flowers you mentioned were placed carefully everywhere minus the giant bouquet in the middle of the room on a small bit polished table where Elias seemed to be leafing you. But you jolted when you heard the first sounds. The first whispers.

With each step you took you heard the echoed sounds of whispers, murmurs, cheers, and sobs despite no one besides you two being in the room. Are these also visions? Maybe some of Elias's memories of previous weddings he's seen recreated for his own? Who's going to officiate?  Don't tell you Elias resurrected a ghost priest. The room was a glowing blue that matched Elias's colors and you briefly wondered if he did that on purpose to match himself. All too soon you were stood in front of that makeshift alter and dread really sunk into place. WHERE WAS TAYLOR!?

"Welcome all." You jumped as a deep man's voice with a southern accent you've never heard spoke out. The other whispers vanished and ...organ music started playing?? you stared at Elias just smiling widely. "Family and friends, thank you for coming to partake in this joyous occasion." Elias's mouth didn't move so he wasn't the one talking but he must've been making this voice manifest from somewhere. "Today we are gathered together to unite Elias Gallagher with his beloved, Y/n L/n."

As if mocking you, a clash of thunder overhead sounded out just as the disembodied voice said your name rain pounding harder as a lump of dread formed in your throat.

"Long has he suffered and now long shall be be overflowing in joy. Let the memories of betrayal, of murder, of waiting-" you flinched at the word 'murder'. "-be washed away like leaves in a flood. Love has triumphed!"

You swallowed but the lump was still there. Hands shaking so much your bouquet was threatening to drop from your hands. Although Elias probably mistook your fear for pre-wedding jitters or something.

"Do you, Elias Gallagher, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife? To live with her in matrimony, in love, comfort them, honor and keep them? In sickness and in health, in sorrow and joy, to have and to hold, from this day forward, now and for all time?"

"I do." Elias looked so happy for this moment it made a pit form in your stomach.

"And do you, Y/n L/n, take Elias Gallagher as your lawfully wedded husband? To live with her in matrimony, in love, comfort them, honor and keep them? In sickness and in health, in sorrow and joy, to have and to hold, from this day forward, now and for all time?"

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