And when he tried to sneak out, she would call out his childish version of his name, "Wee," as she struggled to pronounce "V."

He liked it.

He liked the way she said his name, each syllable sounding like a melody.

He liked the way she smiled at him, her warmth reaching through his walls.

And strangely, he liked how she didn't give a care about his boundaries and made her own rules.

Vince felt an unsettling softness creeping into his heart—a vulnerability he struggled to combine with his typically guarded nature. It was unusual and made him uneasy, as he had always been cautious not to get his hopes up too high, fearing the inevitable disappointment that followed.

During class, Vince found himself lost in thoughts of Miray's infectious laughter and the warmth of her embrace, wondering what expression would light up her face when she see him upon his arrival, and what new word she might utter next.

Instead of disappointment, Miray, with her boundless affection, consistently exceeded his expectations, deepening his attachment with each passing day.

Miray was effortlessly breaking through Vince's defenses, slipping past the walls he had carefully built around himself. 

And strangely, he found himself welcoming her intrusion.

He wondered if her small size and precious nature made her especially adept at getting through to him.

Despite feeling scared of his emotions, Vince found himself diving deeper into them. It was new territory for him, and it felt unsettling.

As his bond with Miray grew stronger, he unexpectedly started feeling jealous Luke and Damian, who seemed to get more attention.

That jealousy clawed at his insides and consumed him entirely.

He craved her undivided attention, yearning for her love to envelop him completely.

Desperation welled within him, longing for her to love him more fiercely than she already did, to choose him above all else without hesitation.

He ached for the warmth of her gaze, those doe-like eyes radiating with the pure, unconditional love he craved more desperately than air itself.

To be missed in his absence became a burning desire, and took root deep within him.

That yearning stemmed from the abandonment he had felt from his mother. So he longed for Miray's love to be so profound that her longing for him would assure his heart that she would never leave him behind.

She can't leave him.

Vince poured every ounce of his emotions and faith into Miray and decided to trust in her love—not that he had any other choice. She drew him in like a magnet, an irresistible force that pulled him into her orbit.

Vince found himself willingly drawn into her presence, his soul finding a sense of contentment in being captivated by her. 

Day by day, Miray became his steadfast anchor, much like a planet relies on the sun to maintain its orbit. She was his unwavering rock, grounding him in a world that often felt dark and uncertain. 

With her by his side, he felt stable, secure, and at peace, knowing that she would always be there to love him.

In the depths of his soul, Vince simply needed her, every part of her, just as she seemed to possess all of him.

[We finally reached the throwback, haha]

It's a cute throwback so Don't forget to vote *wink*

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