Chapter 10. Lunar's Reason

Mulai dari awal

"Little pebble is rich!"

Lunar puts the other rock down and claps happily.

"Lunar! Where'd you go hun-?!"

Lunar stands up looking around to see his dad.

"Hey Lunar- Mama is gonna be here in a minute- a kind man gave us some bread!"

The young Lunar look around, and see's his mother, who's holding a single small loaf of bread.

Lunar's mom walks up to the group, and rips off a small part of the hand sized loaf, handing it to Lunar, and then breaks the small biy in half, handing it to Lunar's dad.

Lunar takes the small bit of loaf, eating it in one bite.


"We ran out again..."

"Um- Mama and Papa don't have any more-"
Lunar's mom worriedly looks at his dad, who seems just as worried.

"... Why don't we have food-?"

"... Papa and Mama don't have any money right now- though- one day- you will have a big feast!"

"Woah! Is there be clean water?"

"Yeah-! The cleanest of water!"

It's so cold...

We see a eighteen year old Lunar, shivering against a tree.

I-I need to- Find a job...

The last ten didn't work...

Lunar looks over to his parents, who are in there sixty's by now.

"... I'm gonna go try and get a job-"


Lunar's parents stay silent, though they both sniffle and shiver in the summer air.

Lunar stands up, and starts walking towards the hamlet that him and his family live next to.

People stare at Lunar, who's body is weak and you can see the bone against his skin.

... How long as it been since I ate anything...

I think its almost been about half a month...

I've stopped keeping track...

... I just need to find a job... I can't have my parents die like this...

I'm so tired...

Lunar holds their head, they can feel their own mind shaking.


Lunar snaps out of their spaced out state, looking down to see that they where about to step into the ocean.

The person, who seems to be in about their twenties, steps down from a large ship.

The person rushes over to Lunar, they seem very concerned about the state that Lunar's in.

"Hey kid-"

"I'm not a kid."

"... Ok- um- are you ok-?"

"... I-I'm fine... I- I'm just a bit dizzy is all..."

"Ok- well, do you need some food?"

"... Do you have any to spare-?"

"Y-Yeah- just follow me-"

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