"I will make sure she is cleared to go." RM says from his position by the door, "Her health is our responsibility now."

I look over to him and shake my head, but he meant well. They were all worried for me.

The doctor finishes his exam and blood work and both he and the medic leave.

"Would you care to join the others for arts and crafts while the guys and I do our interviews? One or two of us can be in the room while the others do their interviews if that makes you feel safer. Lady has been glued to Tae's side more lately."

"I need to get out of here. First, I need a shower." I tell him.

He moves to grab me a towel and some clothing before settling them in the bathroom for me. With us being sexual, I have lost the sense of embarrassment around him.

He helps me from bed and leads me to the bathroom where he helps me strip and I step into the walk in shower. I wash my body and hair clean. Even shaving as I felt gross. Once I was done, he helped me out and helped me dry off before helping me into my clothing. Once I was dressed, he help me dry my hair and pull it back before I slid on some slides and we made our way to the dining room where the arts and crafts would be held.

We enter the noisy room and the chatter pauses as RM leads me over to a table where Lady, Em, Lutz and Tae are sitting.

"Cole!" Lady says as she comes over and hugs me.

"Hi." I say as I take her seat to rest.

"How are you feeling?" Tae asks as he hugs me from the chair.

"Tired. That walk here wore me out."

"Did the doctor tell you if you're alright?" Em asks.

"They took more blood. I may have to go to the main land to the hospital if nothing shows up." I tell her.

"Feel better, yeah?" Lutz says.

"I'm trying." I say as Lady pulls over two chairs for her and RM.

"It's been boring without you." Tae says, "Lady has been isolating herself from the others besides Em and Lutz here."

"Can you blame here? Lee slut shamed me; two others said mean things and our hut were wrecked. I would be pulling away too." I tell him. "I am beginning not to trust any of them."

"And you have every right to." Em agrees, "The others are selfish asses. They only care about themselves."

"Sadly, I agree." Hobi says as he joins us. "None of them asked how you were when you came in. It makes me sick."

"There is not much we can do." RM tells him.

"Suga wants to cancel the show and send them packing."

Lady snorts, "You would have enough footage with Cole and me, plus Em and Lutz. At least we are fun to be around with."

RM shakes his head, "Unless something seriously happens, our hands are tied."

"Like Cole being attacked and their hut damaged is not serious enough?" Lutz points out, "I would have this place packed and everyone shipped home if I was in charge."

"We are trying to keep peace." Tae says, "We don't know who else is causing trouble."

"It's fine. As long as someone is with me at all times, I feel safe." I say, "Besides, don't you guys have interviews to do?"

Hobi nods, "I just finished. Tae, RM, it's your turn."

They leave the table and Hobi takes Tae's seat. "Let's do some crafts and have fun." He says as he opens the box and we begin creating some art.

We were given a light lunch as many of the contestants and the others were still creating their masterpieces. This continued way into the afternoon. By then, the interviews with BTS were done and the arts and crafts were ready to be judged.

Each and every item was placed on a large table and examined by all the boys, more so by Tae and RM as they were art lovers. In the end, a piece by Tia was chosen as the winner. Everyone clapped and soon the table was cleared and the kitchen staff began cleaning up the room to prepare it for dinner.

Thirty minutes go by as everyone was sent to the media room to chill while the dining room was set up for dinner. Everyone talked amongst themselves, some throwing glares over to Lady and I as BTS watched in anger. There was going to be a big confrontation soon, I just knew it.

Dinner was ready and we all moved back into the dining room. Lady and I were literally shoved out of the way so that some of them could sit with the boys. Suga was livid and nodded to the others and moved to another table and sat both Lady and I down and invited Em and Lutz to join us. The 11 of us were served our food from the staff, while the others had to get their own.

After the food was consumed, Suga got to his feet and everyone looked over to him. "We have our question of the day, if you are interested in playing." He says.

"What's the question?" Rosa asks.

"What is the name of our first variety show?" he asks and no one seems to know the answer. I was beginning to think that some of these people were not ARMY at all!

"Rookie King: Channel Bangtan." I say and Suga looks to me and nods.

"At least someone knows the answer." He says before taking his seat.

"Then ask some easier ones!" Pez yells and I roll my eyes.

"They are easy if you are ARMY!" Jungkook yells as he gets to his feet. "Are any of you true ARMY to begin with?" he says before storming from the room.

That was our cue to follow. We all would be watching a movie together while they did whatever. BTS was finally noticing that these winners just wanted to win to be here and not care about them. It was sickening.

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