Naruto spends 1 week with the hawks getting introduced to everyone and joined the hawks in the celebration of him being there new summoner, all in all Naruto was happy he gets to be himself and has new friends real friends. After that Naruto returns to his cave. Naruto decides to spend 1 week refining his jutsu and meditating.

It was time to dispel his clone, 5 months had passed and naruto prepares himself to reserve the information the clones had gathered. The all begin dispelling one by one and naruto resived the info but he couldn't believe this world he was on was at war. It seemed that the fire nation was attacking all other nations and they were winning bit by bit. The fire nation wanted to rule the world but the water and earth nations were fighting against them and the air nomads had been wiped because the avatar was to be an air bender and the fire nation didn't want to take any chances. Naruto also found out that people here had an energy known as chi and no chakra but they worked the same it seems others are able to awaken there chi by luck and in others it sleeps for ever waiting to be awoken. He also found out that people here had way better control of there elements but they weren't as destructive as his jutsu he also noticed that everyone but the avatar had control over one element. Naruto suspected this was only because people didn't know how to control their chi. Naruto also known knew were the hawk were they were in the spirit world. Naruto then summons Gray.

Gray : hello Naruto

Naruto : hay Gray got some info for you

Naruto then tap Gray's head and pass the info and Naruto tell him to pass it to Lord.H he nods then disappears.

Naruto has already decided that he won't enterfire in the war unless it benefits him and that he won't throw his life away for people he doesn't know. He also decided that he is going to the fire nation and going to buy a house in the capital. He also thinking about entering the royal academy for kids who live in the capital. Naruto spends the rest of the month mastering fire bending and air bending, it seems his clones had practiced them and mastered the all he need to do is refine it. The month was over it was time to live.

After getting everything he goes out. He thinks to himself it's time to begin my own adventure where I can be myself and do whatever I want. When Naruto is leaving the forest he sees bandits heading towards him and they surround him.

B1 : hey kid gives all your money

B2 : ya. Or else we'll kill you

Naruto : no and leave me alone I have no time to deal with weaklings like you.

B3 : what'd you say let's get him

Naruto gets into a fighting stances as the bandits take out there swords. They rush Naruto as they attempt to stab him but he jumps in the air and performs FIRE STYLE: DRAGON FLAME BULLET as the bandits are burned by they are still alive Naruto then takes their money for himself.

Naruto : now that was a good exercise I did warn them but they chose not to listen I'm not as kind as I was before.

Naruto realized that he was lucky that he was so close to the capital. After 2 hours of walking naruto arrives in a village and buys himself some food. As he was about to leave he sees a man bullying an old granny. The man was about to punch the granny but Naruto stopped him.

Naruto : are you okay granny

Granny : yes young thank you


People gathering as they a man who is attacking a kid this being Naruto of course. The man throws punch after punch but Naruto dodges them all amazing everyone. The tries to fire but it's not working. Eventually he starts getting tired.

Naruto : it's time to end this. FIRE STYLE : FIRE BALL JUTSU

A huge fire hits the man as he lays done there naruto walks to him and starts talking.

Naruto : if you ever do something like this again I'm going to make sure you will suffer am I understood

The man : yyyes please let me go

Naruto : never return here okay

The man nods and runs away the people begin cheering for him Naruto helps the old to get home and they get there Naruto sees she nearly has anything but has two grandkids to take care of. Naruto takes out the money he took from the bandits gives it to here.

Granny : I can't take this you've already helped me a lot

Naruto : please take there about 40 gold 500 silver and 320 copper you need this way if you won't take it for yourself take for your grandkids.

The granny begins to tear up.

Granny : thank you so much young can I ask for your name.

Naruto : it's Naruto Uzumaki and goodbye I'll see you again someday.

The granny waves goodbye. Naruto leaves the village and summons Mell.

Naruto : hay Mell can you fly me to the capital

Mell : sure

They fly there and Mell leaves him part way because they didn't want people to see him Naruto thanks Mell and Mell disappears.

ATLA: here comes Naruto Where stories live. Discover now