"I'm sorry, Anne." Marcy said. Marcy pushed Anne back and kicked her to the ground. Anne fell to the ground, Anne looks up and sees Marcy pinning her to the ground. "Anne, I'm back! Really! I never lost faith in you... I Love You..." Marcy said.

Anne got more angered. "I will never love someone like you!" Anne said as she kicked Marcy off her. Marcy stumbled back and raised her head, Anne jumped into the air and slashed her in the chest, making Marcy slide and hit the wall behind her.

Anne uses her sword and managed to pin her, Marcy raised her head and saw Anne stand over her. Anne glared at her, with a serious and angered expression. "It's over, Darcy... You've lost." Anne said. Marcy then thought of a way to get through to her, an idea then popped in her head, making Marcy smile.

"Anne... It's me... You've got to believe me..." Marcy said in a smooth tone. Anne scoffed. "Okay... If you were Marcy? What would Marcy say?" Anne asked with a sly smile. Marcy took a deep breath and spoke. "Anne? Remember when me and you first met? It was a dream come true." Marcy said.

Anne then frowned and remembered, Marcy continued to speak. "It was the best day of my life... When I met you, you quickly became my everything... I cared about you and never forgot you... You may not have been a great friend before in the past... But... I always loved you, Anne... No matter what..." Marcy said.

Anne then had tears from in her eyes, they stream down her face, she didn't want to believe it, but what Marcy was about to say next, made her give in. "Anne... I Love You... I don't care what happened in the past... You will always have a special place in my heart... You will always have my heart and love..." Marcy said.

Anne started crying and screamed, she raised her sword to slash at Marcy, but she instead hugged her. Anne cried, embracing Marcy. Marcy smiles and hugs back, she wraps her arms around Anne's next and nuzzled in Anne's embrace.

Anne cried in Marcy's shoulder, sobbing as hard as she can. "Marcy! I'm so sorry... I didn't know... I'm sorry..." Anne said while sobbing. Marcy kissed Anne's cheek and spoke. "Anne... No matter what, I will always love you... You will always have my love and affection." Marcy said.

Anne and Marcy embraced each other, hugging each other tightly. Marcy woke up and saw she was on Anne's shoulder. "Marcy?" Anne said. Marcy looked at her girlfriend, who had a bright smile on her face. "We're here." Anne said.

Marcy turned her head and saw they were at the lab, Anne and Marcy got out of the car and held hands. Anne and Marcy went inside and saw Sasha, who was in her old Amphibia Resistance Commander armor, waiting for them.

Sasha then turned her head, eyeing her friends looking at her. Sasha smiled and walked up to them, giving them a big hug. "Hey, girls." Sasha said while being happy to see them. Anne, Marcy, and Sasha all hug it out, happy to see one another again.

"Hey, Sash." Marcy said. The three girls stared at each other for a few moments until Mr. X spoke out. "Okay! Are you three ready?" Mr. X asked. Anne looked at Marcy and Sasha, they held hands and were prepared for the outcome.

"We're ready." Anne said. Mr. X looks at Terri, who activated the portal. The girl's parents watched their daughter with happiness and tears, Luz and her friends were happy they were able to help, and maybe they'll see Amphibia with their own eyes when they get the chance.

The Core becomes excited to return to the place they conquered for a thousand years, it's time for them to take Revenge in their enemies. Terri activated the portal, it powers up and reopened the gate way back to Amphibia.

Anne, Marcy, and Sasha then jumped into the portal together without hesitation. The portal closed behind them, successfully transporting them to Amphibia.

Amphibia: Darcy's Revenge (10 years later)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя