*・゜゚・*:.。.:* Chapter 9! *:.。.:*・゚ ゜・*

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"That plan was so successful!" Chisaka cheered. "We all played a part and the end result was amazing. We started a ship!"

"My part was behind the scenes," Haru said.

Chisaka, Haru, Mei, Rai, and Kenji were eating lunch together. Himari was off with Minato doing normal boyfriend-girlfriend things...

"Heh," Mei smirked, "And I'm the mastermind behind said plan."

"Well, I acted!" Kenji added. "It's so hard to act, you know!"

"Yeah, you were the main cast," Rai agreed.

Mei sighed and said, "Rai-kun's part was definitely the easiest."

"Hah?! Me? Do you know how much of a pain it is to talk to that Suzuki girl?!"

"I think Haru's was the easiest!" Chisaka retorted.

Before anyone could reply anything else, the loudspeaker suddenly made an announcement. "Aikawa Kenji, please report to the principal's office."

*・゜゚・*:.。.:* (meanwhile) *:.。.:*・゜゚・*

"It's not anything serious! Ships happen all the time."

"Do you have any feelings for Aikawa?"

"No... of course not."

"Good. I just wanted to make sure."

"Um... Minato..."


"I know we're in a relationship and you're my boyfriend, but... we don't really do anything other couples do."

"I guess not. Why? Do you want to?"

"No, it's fine, but—"

"Is it an issue?"


*・゜゚・*:.。.:* • *:.。.:*・゜゚・*

"I have.. bad news for you, Aikawa," the principal said. "Is it okay if your friends will also hear this? I think it'll be easier for you that way."

Huh... I wonder what this bad news is, Kenji thought. "Sure..."

Principal Akihito called in Mei, Rai, Chisaka, and Haru. "You live with your father, correct? He is your only living biological relative left," he continued.

"...Yes." I have a bad feeling.

Kenji's friends listened to the principal's words carefully. "Your father... has passed away."

Kenji's eyes widened. Chisaka's hands flew to her opened mouth. Mei's eyes darted to Kenji, worried.

Oh... Otou-san... is dead. (Otou-san means father.) For a second, Kenji couldn't think straight. He's... gone... I have no one left...

"Here is his will and the amount of money left to you," Principal Akihito said, handing him an envelope. "I'm sorry for your loss."

"...Thank you," Kenji replied. "Can I ask how he died?"

"His cause of death seemed to be over drinking and overdose of drugs."

Kenji smiled sadly. I thought so...

After the principal organized files and documents with him, Kenji and his friends walked out into the waiting room.

"I'm sorry for your loss," Haru told Kenji.

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

Mei smacked his head, causing him to wince in pain. "We know you're not, baka!"

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