*・゜゚・*:.。.:* Chapter 3! *:.。.:*・゜

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Bang bang bang!

Mei woke up to the sound of someone knocking violently on the door. Himari was still asleep.

"Shut up! A girl needs her beauty sleep!" She checked the alarm clock on her bedside table. "And it's 6:50 in the morning!"

"But Nakamura-senpai! It's important!" Aikawa's voice was muffled by the door.

"Huh? Is there an earthquake?" Himari asked, waking up.

"No, it's just Aikawa-kun."

Himari stood up groggily and walked to the door.

"Aikawa-kun... It's 6 AM," she told him.

"Today is the day!" he exclaimed, ignoring her. "Today, I'm 6 feet!!!"

Himari tried her best to be empathetic. "That's great, Aikawa-kun... but please let us sleep."

"Himari-chan, you need to wake up... Class starts in 25 minutes, and you're still in pajamas," Aikawa said.

"Oh what?" Himari turned to the room. "Mei-san! We need to wake up!"

"Go ahead. I need 5 minutes..." she replied.

"Thank you for waking us up, Aikawa-kun! Is Rai-chan awake?"

"Kind of...?"

"Okay, thanks!" Then, Himari disappeared behind the door.

*・゜゚・*:.。.:* • *:.。.:*・゜゚・*

"Why are you so excited about being 6 feet, anyway?" Rai asked Kenji.

He thought about it. "Actually, I don't know! Well, I now have the license to call my smallest friend 'chibi-chan' now. How tall is Himari-chan again?"


"I'm gonna call her chibi-chan!"

Rai put on his tie and brushed his hair a few times. "Can I see your schedule?" he asked.

Kenji threw the small piece of paper to him and he caught it.

"We have nine subjects in a day, excluding recess and lunch. We only have three together," Rai stated.

Kenji said, "I hope you make friends."


"Himari-chan wants you to make more. I think she's a good older sister."

"What do you care?" Rai asked.

"She's a friend. Obviously."

"...Do you like her?"

Kenji was surprised by this question. "Are you scared that one day someone will take her away?"

Rai slowly nodded.

Kenji took a moment to reply. "Even if I did like her... I wouldn't make a move. Or maybe I'd stop being friends with her to stop myself. I don't want to ruin our friendship with something stupid like love in the way. I'd rather stay away from her than make her sad 'cause love broke our friendship." He looked up at Rai. "I think her happiness is more important. Friendships are precious."

Rai laughed. "That answer convinces me more that you do like her."

"I do not!"

"But thank you, Kenji-san. You reassure me that even if you two get together, I'd know that she'd be in good hands."

Kenji's face flushed a little and he turned around, pretending to organize his school bag. Not like we will," he said quietly.

"Not like you will," Rai repeated.

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