*・゜゚・*:.。.:* Chapter 6! *:.。.:*・゚ ゜・*

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Rai yawned, waking up from his unnaturally pleasant sleep. He thought it was because he didn't have to hear Kenji snoring... Where was he anyway?

"Morning." Rai looked to see Kenji already wide awake, staring into the sea of clouds outside the window.

"You're up so early," Rai said. "You're already dressed and everything..." He was wearing a red hoodie and some jeans.

"It's 11. We agreed to meet at 11:15, right?" Kenji replied.

He immediately jumped off his bed, messing up the sheets. "Shit, really?" Rai grabbed a pile of clothes from a basket and rushed to the bathroom.

"You always wear black," Kenji told Rai.

He wore a black shirt and sweatpants. "Yeah, and?"

"It seems sad!"

Rai laughed at his friend's reply. "Can you go check on the girls? They should be ready by now."

"Why are you sending me alone?" Kenji whined.

"I'm too sleepy to," Rai said, flopping himself back onto his bed.

Kenji didn't argue and went outside. He stopped at Mei and Himari's door and knocked. "Hey, Aikawa-kun! Himari's just finishing up, wanna come in?" Mei was wearing a fitted gray tube top, skinny jeans, and a brown comfy-looking coat.

"Hi, Nakamura-senpai..." He was surprised by her warm greeting. "You seem happy today. N-Not that it's unusual."

She smiled. "I'm just excited. This is my first outing with you and the Sato's in a long, long while," she replied as Kenji came in. He was in awe of the room's tidiness.

After a moment, Himari came out of the bathroom. Kenji was quite... surprised. Himari wore an off-shoulders black long-sleeved shirt, a short white skirt, and black thigh-high socks. Her ✨scrumptious✨ collarbones and shoulder bones were exposed and because she just came out of the shower, she was dripping wet. Shiny droplets of water adorned her skinny neck and accentuated the depth of her clavicles. Kenji couldn't help but stare at Himari, watching a drop of water drip down beneath her clothing.

"K-Kenji-san?" Himari asked.

Kenji realized he was unconsciously staring and Mei could glimpse a red shade tinting his face. "Oh, Himari-chan—I, uh—"

"HE'S FLUSTERED BY YOUR GORGEOUSNESS, HIMARI!!!" Mei squealed. "You're so sexy in that!" She was complimenting Himari.

Suddenly, Rai came into the room. "The hell is happening here—"

"Huh—?!" Himari exclaimed. "I-Is this too, um, e-exposing?" She was blushing.

"Kinda," Rai commented nonchalantly.

"I'm so sorry! I-I'll go change—"

Kenji cut her off, "No, it's okay, it's not exposing... I-I was just surprised at the, um, style of your outfit..." He glared at Mei. "You don't need to change."

"O-Oh, okay," Himari replied, relieved.

Mei snickered and smirked at Kenji. "The cat really likes catching your tongue, huh, Aikawa-kun? Or maybe... you're the one who likes getting your tongue caught," she said slyly.

"S-Shut up," Kenji replied, averting her gaze.

"You do look good, onii-san," Rai said. "If we weren't related, I would date you."

"RAI WHAT THE FUCKKK!!" Himari shrieked.

He laughed at his sister's reaction. "Just kidding! But I see why you piqued Minato's interests. I guess he likes pretty girls."

How to Reverse a RomanceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora