*・゜゚・*:.。.:* Chapter 5! *:.。.:*・゚ ゜・*

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Today is Saturday, Mei thought.

The way her smile seems forced... How she flinched at his touch...

Something seems wrong. Is Minato really her boyfriend..? Mei decided to find out and formulated a plan in her head. The first step was to ask her. Actually, the first step was to find her.

"Aikawa-kun, do you know where Himari-chan is?"

"No. Why would I know—?"

"You know I know you know," she replied with a smirk.

"...what." He realized and pushed Mei's head away, mumbling, "I hate you."

Mei smiled innocently. "I hate you too~"

"...She might be in the library though," he said.

"Hee hee hee. Told you I know you knew."

Kenji rolled his eyes and walked away.

Someone seems to be in a bad mood, Mei thought to herself. She went to the library and peeked inside before entering. There, Himari was reading a thick book. Mei slipped inside and sat beside Himari.

She whispered, "Himari-chan, I want to ask you about a few things."

Himari looked up from her book. "Hi, Mei-san! Sure, ask me anything."

"Do you really like Minato?"

Her face tensed. "He's my... boyfriend..."

"Yes, he is, but do you like him as a boyfriend?" Mei asked. "I get the feeling that you don't."

"I'm supposed to love him... so I guess so..."

Mei looked directly into her eyes. "What if there are no rules like that?"

Himari slowly shook her head. "I don't... love him."

"Are you stuck in this relationship?"


"Can we tell Rai-kun and Aikawa-kun?"

Himari hesitated but still nodded.

Mei held her hand as they walked to the dorm rooms. She called Kenji and Rai to have a meeting. Once they were inside, she shut the door and told them everything Himari had said.

"Onii-san..." Rai shook his head. "You're so irresponsible..."

"I know. It was a mistake— I never meant to be... you know...," she replied.

"It's like I have to take care of you now that we're older."

Himari gave a weak smile.

"Himari-chan, why can't you just tell Hayashi that you don't wanna be his girlfriend and that you don't love him?" Kenji asked.

"I know I'm supposed to just tell him but... What if I'm too kind to break his heart..?" Her voice was laced with misery and sadness. "What if I'm too scared to say something? What if I'm too hurt to know how to feel? Too sympathetic to not love him back?" When Mei looked at Himari's eyes, she saw a frightened, conflicted expression. "...Too much of a shitty person that I faked my love... and now I can't go back?" Himari's face was now streaked in tears.

Everyone was surprised at her sudden confession. They never knew that the kindest eyes could hold the most pain and sadness. Rai was reminded that his older sister suffered greatly at the smallest things. She could overflow with emotion or have a breakdown at any time. The image of a body dangling from a rope flashed in his mind.

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