Chapter 19

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After dressing, Ali and I were off to the Oracle. By off, I should say we passed through the bedroom door and we were suddenly surrounded by cave walls. The fresh scent of dirt filled my nostrils, nearly causing me to take a step back towards the door. I could hear dripping somewhere far, maybe off one of the branching vines that ran above and all around us. Ahead of us, down the tunnel system, it was pitch black. Though, I could feel something at the end of it. Faint but still...powerful.

"Sorry, she keeps the place warded." I Ali stood in front of me, clenching his hands in disdain. "We have to do a bit of walking. If you're tired, I can carry you. But stay close, okay?" His eyes were soft when he looked back at me.

"Okay." I couldn't stop the smile that spread onto my lips from his generosity. I didn't want to appear like a little school girl, crushing like there wasn't any other pressing matters that needed more attention. Before he could say anything else, I grabbed onto his hand. My magic did it's thing, flooding his system to latch onto him. He jumped , looking down at me, stunned.

He had turned away but I noticed from behind that the tips of his ears were turning red. Gently, he squeezed my hand before continuing forward.

The cavernous floor was damp, and squished loudly under my Converses. We hadn't walk for long before we came into an opening that was about the size of a small cabin. The room was lit by candles, which was definitely much better than the dark tunnels but still very dim and hard to see.

There was a figure sitting in a large chair in the middle of the room, wrapped in a dark purple cloak. A small table perched next to the chair, and I watched the figure place something on the top of it.

"Welcome." A sultry voice spoke, simultaneously flaring the candles but just a quickly, dulled to the low light. "Alister. And...witch? Sorry, my visions won't allow me to peer into the Realm of Stories. I'm unsure of who you are. However, I do know you are called Ciara here. What is your actual name?"

I narrowed my eyes at the figure sitting in the chair. The name of a story which held a certain power, which is why we do not reveal them when entering into the field. I couldn't just give it to her, especially with my sinking suspicion that I'm the last one. I think she could sense it because she waved her hand, dismissing the question altogether.
"It's not important. What's important is you and thank the Gods that you're here. You are the key to ending this and saving all the worlds."
My breath hitched, and sending my heart rate through the ceiling of the cavern walls. That couldn't be possible. I'm supposed to be a background character. Important enough to make a difference but only in the main characters life, never to the story. I develop the character, and let the story proceed. My existence in this world should have been meaningless. No one should even know that I'm here.
"I see the gears turning in your head girl." The Oracle cackles. "But it's true. Your sister is, well, a distraction. Her entourage of boys also is, well, a nuisance. However, they do serve a purpose but it wasn't to end the Ember threat. Mostly to, stall it by collecting the books. We both know that none of them can use it."
"However, they hold extreme power." I whisper, dropping my eyes.
"You also had received your book." She continues. "Which could only mean one thing for you."
I nodded, fighting back tears that pricked at my eyes. "I'm an Elder."
"From what I can remember from my single encounter with an Elder, you have to prove your worth to carry the book. Unfortunately, you couldn't take the test that your Elder was supposed to give you. Is there any consequences that you know of?"
I stayed silent, really thinking about her question. Other than the obvious one where I couldn't use my magic but that couldn't have been a consequence, could it? I can open and read the book but the magic behind it was inaccessible. It's only dated back so far, mostly pertaining to just this story. I know that with this book, I can see the outcome of any story that had already been completed. However, I can't do a goddamn thing where this book is concerned.
So yeah. Fucking consequences.
"There are consequences." Ali spoke for me, squeezing my hand. "How do we fix that?"
"No, why are the books here." I questioned. "What happened to the Elder Witches?"
"I don't know." She heaved a sigh of frustration, roughly pushing herself to her feet. She quickly approached me, Ali moved me behind him, making the Oracle stop inches from him.
The Oracle was about my height so she had to look up at Ali, and when she did, her hood fell back. My jaw dropped, as she discarded the robe completely.
What the actual shit! This woman isn't even old. No, she looked my age! Black hair flowed over her shoulders and she had the prettiest violet eyes. Her nose was softly-shaped, in between lightly shaded cheeks. She wore a beautiful smile that could calm a hungry tiger, her plump lips dotted with a tiny, well placed mole in the upper right corner. Her slender frame was marked with an ample chest and hips that was gently hugged by her low-v cut dress. I bet you a billion bucks her legs were hairless and were so stunning, she should have been a model.
I could tell Ali was uncomfortable with this woman so close to him. To be honest, I don't know why seeing that she was drop dead fucking gorgeous. She even smelled like cinnamon and hazel. He called her a hag but she was the farthest thing from it. I've never heard of a story where the "oracle" character was beautiful. This was so fucking misleading, I feel like I should be angry but I'm not sure at who.
"My best guess is yours." Her eyes flicked to me knowingly, a sad look crossing her face. "The Story Witches are powerful but aren't infallible. You and I both know that."
Indeed, I do.
"Cecily is the main character." I shook my head, trying to shake away the chill that wanted to race up my spine. "She should be finding the relics."
"I'm sorry, Ciara, but your sister was the main character. But then she suddenly became useless. I know you noticed the red strings of fate. How they swirl around her in droves." This was a statement.
"It's been like that her whole life."
"Yes. That's because her story is broken and changing. Someone had ruined that thing that you call The Flow. This can't be fixed with normal story witch patchwork. You've noticed that she can't use a single ability that she gained from the boys and that's because they haven't been faithful to their cause. The attraction is there but something is keeping them unfocused. That is the first objective."
"So wait, I can't change the story but I'm still being tasked to fix their relationship?" My heart had suddenly sunk and I instinctively looked at Ali. My magic stirred frantically inside me. No.
"Don't worry, Ciara." She smiled at me. "Yes, the past is story locked but the future is still ahead of us. Ali serves a specific purpose just for you now and no longer serves any purpose for your sister."
"She's mine?" Ali says before I could even reply.
The Oracle smiled. "Yes, Dark One. A way to bypass her test is to find someone to bond with you. Someone to help balance the overwhelming power of an Elder Story Witch. Especially if you are to acquire all 4 books." I blanched.
Harnessing all 4 books? "That's impossible."
"Maybe." The Oracle turned away from us, shrugging. "Or it could make you an Eldritch Witch."

I've never heard of such a thing. Eldritch witches were that of ancient stories, not even pertaining to Story Witches but in actual stories. I'm pretty sure I was a little bird for an Eldritch Witch in a different story. They're honestly too powerful to let live for an extensive amount of time, especially in a story, so I most definitely had to orchestrate their murder. And then became the companion of the main character, acting as a guide.

As a fucking bird.

Me being an Eldritch Witch feels like an immediate death sentence, even if the possibility was real. Collecting all four books? Owning them and gaining their power would be a feat that none of my kind have done. The Elders were connected so I think it made sense that I needed someone too.

Technically, Ali is supposed to be the most powerful Necromancer of his kind.

And I was the most powerful Story Witch of mine.

I guess this could work.

"How does this work?" I asked. "Balancing the power?" This was such a blasphemous question but I felt like I needed to know. There's no way I could become the main character and I'm quite convinced and one hundred percent sure this was true.

"It would have been simple but it seems someone had gotten involved. You were perceived as a threat when you defended your sister so they thought it best to remove you." The Oracle retreated back to her chair, sitting in it with grace. "For you two to be, you first must come to an agreement of balance and then consummate it." agreement? My eyes met his, and worry coated his features. I don't even believe I can keep myself from trembling with him looming over me and I'm sure he knew that. I know deep down that he would never hurt me but I also knew that regardless of what I thought, my instincts would kick in and I'd grow fearful when it counted. Ali wanted me but not without full consent. Not when I was so fucking scared.

I looked down at our conjoined hands. I never once wanted to drop it and I don't think he wanted to either. We were bonded to each other, whatever the fuck that meant. What I knew, was that I could stay with him. Even if I realigned the story, I could keep Ali. I wasn't bound by the laws of the Story Witches anymore. I could do whatever I want. Love whoever I want. If I really wanted to...

Be the badass, main fucking character this world needed.

"What's the other objective?" I asked.

The Oracle smiled, crossing her long legs. "Collect the relics and end this needless destruction."

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