Chapter 17

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"Hey, do you have the time?" He may have actually spoke that question but his gray eyes were asking another one. Hey, are you single?

"Ummm..." I hated falling into this stupid trap that boys set but I didn't want to be rude. So I patted myself for my phone, realizing that I actually didn't have it on me. "I'm sorry. My boyfriend is carrying my phone." Yes! Perfect cover!

"That's too bad." He groaned. "Hey, but you're sitting all alone. I'm assuming you would like some friends, right?"

I looked around at the group of boys, who appeared seemingly typical. Two were scrawny, the other with brown eyes and brown hair. The gray eyed boy look like he was the leader, with his long blonde hair and baggy track suit. He looked like something that came from an old school hip hop movie.

Except he was white, so it's none that I've personally watched.

The third guy was heavyset, and he had the sleaziest of smiles. Could he at least hide that he had some ill-intent. It was very unsettling.

"Uh, no, that's okay." I gave a nervous smile. "I'm not really too trusting and neither is my boyfriend."

"Oh wow, I can see why dark and gloomy have trust issues." Mr. Gray-eyes sat across from me, a smirk on his face. "But a pretty-no beautiful girl like you, how could I be anything but loyal?"

"It's because I'm beautiful that I have trust issues. After they get what they want, they skip town leaving me in the dust." I sigh. "My dark and gloomy boyfriend stuck around when things got real. You honestly think you could do that? I'm not too sure you would."

His eyes grew wide, his smile fading. Yeah, it might be a little mean but he was really pushing my buttons. Why couldn't he just go away when I said no?

He suddenly jumped to his feet, his face twisted into an ugly scowl. "You know what bitch, keep your weird emo boyfriend. I don't need your ugly ass anyway."

"Okay, toodles." I smiled, opening my book again.

The bigger guy took the chair that was across from me and shoved it hard across the floor, it banging into another table. I couldn't control the amused smile that spread onto my lips. I guess this ticked him off because he took a menacing step towards me, his fists curled up.

"What'chu smiling for, bitch?!" Before I could even get to my feet, he was sent flying across the dining hall, and I'm being yanked to my feet.

I'm not sure when he got in front of me but there Ali was, his shoulders heaving up and down as if he was out of breath. His black hair looked messy from the back and I could see sweat beginning to bead on the back of his neck. He looked over his shoulder at me, tightening his grip on my wrist. "Time to go."

I blinked and suddenly, we were standing in his bedroom. He turned towards me, yanking me roughly into his arms. He pressed his lips into my hair, lifting me slightly off my feet so he didn't have to bend over.

"I only left you alone for a few minutes." He muttered. "How did you cause so much trouble?"

"It's what happens when you leave me to my own devices." I muttered back. The audacity of him accusing me when it was them that should've taken the hint. It's not my fault that human males choose to be dense.

"Silly, Story Witch." He chuckled, gently placing me back onto my feet. He cupped my face in his hands. He pressed his forehead to mine "I did like the part where you called me your boyfriend."

Heat rose to my neck and face. "Oh, yeah?"

"Yeah." He leaned down, brushing his lips against mine. "How could I betray my beautiful girlfriend when things got real?"

My stomach flipped, and I couldn't stop myself. He was so close and my magic yearned for him to be closer. When our lips touched again, his fingers felt like mini electric volts running through my mana ports on my cheeks. It took everything in me to keep my legs from buckling as the traitorous things turned to jelly.

Ali dropped his hands, lifting me up and wrapping my legs around his waist. He palmed my ass, holding me up as I wrapped my arm around his shoulders deepening the kiss. I'm not sure when he started moving but I suddenly felt my back land against the bed. He pulled away, kissing down my jaw to ear. My mind started to drift as my heart quickened. My eyes fell close.

My magic shot from my pores, reaching for his. Instant comfort and relaxation hit me, and I fell into a moment of euphoria. His dark magic provided reassuring safety, encouraging my muscles to relax back into the bed as he showered me with his attention.

"My mireasă cadavrală." He whispered into my ear. "You don't know how much I love you."

I couldn't even respond before I felt his teeth glide against the crook of my neck. It was like being doused in cold water, forcing me to open my eyes with a gasp. The next second, something thick pushed into my core, earning a loud yelp from me.

Whatever relaxing state I was in instantly vanished. It was like the giant bulge piercing me had cut off my air supply, and now I was scrambling to get whatever heavy, off of me. All my eyes could see was ceiling. That empty white ceiling that only stared back at me.

I was suddenly back there, again. Alone, powerless and such an idiot.

Why was he here? Why was I here? Why was this happening again? It hurts. Oh, God it hurts.

A sob broke from my lips. "S..." Please get off! Please get off! Stop it!

The weight that was holding me down was relieved, and a pair of concerned green eyes looked down on me. "Ciara?" A wave of fresh horror filled me as I felt the pressure and pain of my vagina slowly lessen, and I forced myself to look away.

I couldn't control the violent shakes that raked my body, forcing tears to leave my eyes. I wasn't expecting this but seeing Ali's eyes filled me with so much shame. I got so caught up in his comforting aura that I hadn't realized he had removed my underwear and unzipped his pants. But so what if he did?

Ali was the only one I could trust.

However, this situation felt revolting. My body rejected all of this despite it being with the only person who could have me. This man...oh this precious man, took care of me when I was at my lowest. He saved me from the cabin after being blown into a fire pit. He nursed me back to health despite being mated to my sister. He stood by me even though my own sister called me a liar. Ali still wanted me even though I was used.

Even though I wasn't the heroine in the end.

He's done more for me than I have for him and I just selfishly pushed him away. What in the fuck is wrong with me?

"Ciara, I'm sorry." No, he shouldn't be apologizing. "You weren't ready. I should have known that."

"No." I sobbed, shaking my head.

I heard the zip of his jeans before he wrapped his arms around me, flooding me with his magic. My sobs started to subside, but the guilt remained. "It's okay, mica mea vrajitoare. I'm sorry. I had rushed things."


"Yes, I did." He interrupted, smoothing my hair. "It's alright, I promise."

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