The Other Twin

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I didn't get it. She was a liar. My parents always berated her because of her lying. That's what she did and that's why I was the favored one.


"Cecily, do you hear us?" I looked up at my parents on the projection. Ray was able to set up a crystal ball that was able to Skype them. It projected their image on the wall of the training room, and we had darkened it so we could see it better. My parents disheveled faces were up there in plain view. They weren't happy and I couldn't understand why.

It wasn't just Ray in the room. All the boys were here. All of them except Ali.

"I'm not understanding." I whispered, as I stared at their angry faces. This was not how it should have turned out.

"Where is Ciara?" My dad asked, growing impatient. A look of pure horror coated his expression. "What did you do with your sister?"

"She betrayed me."

"Cecily, you spoiled little girl." My mother said in the coldest tone. She pressed her hands together and rested them against her lips, a clear sign that her patience was being pushed. The only way I could tell that she was shaking, was from the slight jiggle in her bonnet. "Ciara loved you with everything that she had and you turned your back on her. Why would you do that?"

"But mom-"

"You let some friend of yours sexually assault your sister and you take his side?" She continued, intertwining her fingers and turning her knuckles white as the skin pulled ferociously. Her nails silently dug into the back of her hands but clearly not enough to draw blood. "When has your sister ever lied to you Cecily?"

"She's lied before."

"Has she ever lied to you?" Daddy asked, scrubbing his hands down his cheeks, messing his beard even more than it already was. His dark brown eyes looked haunted, clearly foreign to me. "Think Cecily. Has she never been anything but honest with you?"

I didn't want to think about that. Clearly, I've never caught her in a single lie she told me. How else was she supposed to manipulate me? That's all anyone ever does with me. Now that my eyes were open, I know. She's the queen of manipulation, and I've been blind to it for much too long.

"Yes, your sister would lie to us. But it was always to cover for you. We knew that and yes we scolded her for it." Mom sighed. She finally got to her feet but resisted the urge to pace as she shot daggers of pure white rage into my very soul. "Which was a mistake to keep letting her take the fall. We never once thought that you would be this selfish. Entitled, even. God, I knew you were boy crazy but this is fucking stupid. Even for you."

"Shayla-" Daddy placed a hand on her arm in an attempt to temper her rage but my mother wasn't done with me.

"Mom, that's not fair."

"Even so, Cecily, turning your back on your sister when she needed you the most." The look of disappointment shattered me. It was even in Daddy's eyes, even though he could barely look at me now.  "What were you thinking? She was your number 1 fan. Your biggest supporter. She protected you from everything, including us. Jesus, Cecily. How could you?"

Why were they tearing into me like this? Wasn't I their favorite? Didn't they love me more? Why did it feel like Ciara was getting more attention than me? They always scolded Ciara. They always punished Ciara. I took no blame for anything and that's because I wasn't the blame. If my plans would go wrong, it's because I brought Ciara along. If my friends were upset with me, it's because Ciara found a way to upset them. I was the pure-hearted daughter, that everyone wanted and adored.

Ciara has always been the black-hearted girl that everyone avoided.

A trouble-maker. A terrorist. Confrontational but shy. Violent but calm-mannered. Her tough attitude contradicted what she really wanted and that repelled people. She repelled people.

I didn't get this. I turned to look at Ramsey, and he gave me a half-hearted smile. Would he really do that? No, of course not! He's told me he's loved me more than any of the others. He personally vowed that he would stay loyal to me. His kindness and his sincerity were genuine. I would know! I couldn't imagine someone as sweet as him hurting my sister. My sense of character has never been wrong. I just know it.

"Where is your sister now?"

"I don't know." I crossed my arms, refusing to look at them. They've honestly said enough. Ciara had dug her lying nails into them, and I didn't see anymore point to this stupid conversation.

Without another word, I pushed the crystal ball off it's pedestal, the glass shattering on impact. I turned away, walking out of the room towards my bedroom.
"Cecily!" Ray called but I ignored him.

I retreated into my bedroom, locking the door behind me. Sighing, I plopped myself onto the bed, smothering myself with my pillow.

It smelled like him.


There's no way. I won't believe it. He's confessed to me over and over again, proclaiming that his love was genuine. Last night, he worshipped me, the thought of his tongue running over my collarbone causing excitable chills to run down my spine. The way his teeth would sink into my skin, causing waves of orgasms overwhelm me before he could even spear me in the best way possible. None of the boys had done such a service. None of them were nearly as good and as gentle.

That is...except one.

Even now, I reached into my bedside table, pulling out a crystal clear vial in the shape of a diamond. It even glistened in the darkened room, revealing it's empty insides. That stupid Whisper Witch had told me I needed the power of all of my men in order for me to be effective and there was one that was so resistant of me. From the very beginning, he kept his distance and I admired that about him.

He was cruel and disrespectful. Strong and brave. Dark but kind. His thin form told me that he relied more on his magical strength than his physical one but even I knew that was a lie. He was strong in every way. With the help of single potion, he was mine. In only a day, those green puppy dog eyes melted away every mean thing he's said or done to me. And that night, he gave me all of his attention. Oh God, that one day and our only night. I wanted so much more but the next morning, it was like it never happened.

My sister has always lied. Even about him. One of these days, I will tear down her veil of manipulation and I will show him what she really is. I will reveal every lie, every wrongful act, and her destructive personality for everyone to see. Especially him.

Whether she likes it or not, Ali is mine.

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