"I told you this was not a good idea"

"if something happened to vikarna, then see what will happen"


"enough arjuna"

Princes of hastinapur, that's what they are known as. Pandavas and kauravas are what they are called as. There has not been a single day which has went without fight and problem in their life despite being children.

Kuru princes are not something anyone would want to mess with but it doesn't mean they can't mess with themselves right? And maybe that's why now they running for their brother's lives right now.

To be honest, it is not like they can't become brothers but the throne and expectations of elders are too much to even share, especially when there are two heirs of throne and none of them is ready to back off.



The eldest Gandhariputra and kuntiputra shouted before jumping in the river where their brothers are drowning as they pull them out of it making their other brother run towards them. They both rubbed vikarna's and sahadeva's chest and back gently to wake the fainted boys but nothing happening making all of them panic until a yell from distance came in their ear.

"what is happening here!!?"

The brothers were all too panic and teary that they didn't even look at the boy properly as they let the boy sit vikarna straight before patting his back with gentle pressure until vikarna started coughing out the water as the eldest gandharinandan hugged his brother tightly. The boy then went towards sahadeva as he press his ear to his chest before pressuring on his chest by his both hands, carefully and calmly until the fainted boy also started coughing out water before he got pulled in hug by his eldest brother.

"thank you so much" They all come out of their bubble after hearing vikarna saying thank you to the boy who just saved them as they all also look at the boy carefully, this time noticing his feature. The boy does not look much more older then them but he is definitely tall, soft body, gentle features, dark eyes that can capture anyone's soul, hair below shoulder, he himself look a Prince but noticing clothes, it says otherwise.

"who are you?" The eldest panduputra asked as he stand up with his youngest brother in his embrace.

The boy look at all of them cautiously before asking "am I supposed to answer first?" Hearing this they were about to say something but the elder kaurava beat them by saying.

"no, we are sorry. We forgot to introduce ourselves first. We are Kuru princes. Thank you for saving our brother's life" At first they all thought, he was about to mock the boy by their identity but hearing the unusual softness in his usual rough voice with his arms protectively wrapped around vikarna, told them that he is not mocking but showing his gratefulness as the pandavas also decided to thank the boy.

"yes, thank you for saving their life. We will always be grateful to you" The boy stood there with a blank face before a small smile came on his face as they all wait for the boy to introduce himself.

"I am adhirathputra, the son of charioteer of Mahamahim and there is no need to thank me. It is my duty to help a person in problem"

Instead of nervousness and fear, there is confidence and proudness in his voice as he stood straight, telling his identity truthfully.

"if he is your brother, then he is your brother too, right?" Adhirathputra asked while pointing towards vikarna and then at eldest kuntiputra, asking him as they all look hesitant about the answer. What should they answer for this question since they have never lived like brothers for a second even?

The boy again asked this question but this time, to eldest gandharinandan while pointing at sahadeva and the answer he got made everyone surprised except vikarna and the boy, who smiled hearing it.

"yes, he is my brother too, why?"

"nothing, just thought how you two are standing like two groups instead of brothers" Adhirathputra said while pointing at the pandavas and three kauravas standing a little bit far from them, for which the eldest kaurava answer.

"your observation is quite nice. Thank you for helping us" Hearing to his answer and the way he dodged the hidden question inside the statement, skillfully, they all look at him with antonishment before the boy took his leave from there.

"I will get going now, pranipat princes"

"thank you again...........adhirathputra" They now realised that the boy did not told them his name but before they could even ask the boy ran away but not before the small boy in eldest kaurava's arms notice the black thread around the boy's ankle like an anklet.


"wait a minute duryo-"

"it's suyodhana" The second eldest kaurava hissed, cutting the second eldest pandava's sentence in between as the eldest pandava look at him gentle gaze.

"sorry for that sushasana. Suyodhana, you called 'our brother' there-"

"cause he is"

"then why-"

"answer me one question" Suyodhana asked, turning around as he look his eldest brother "will you leave the throne after we all become close to each other, huh bhrata yudhishtir?"

Hearing only silence in there, the eldest of kaurava turned around, leaving from there with his brother as he left the pandavas behind. It is true that they both can't back off from throne being dritarashatraputra and panduputra, especially with all of the expectations of elders and family. If they become close to each other then they will only hurt each other later when it will come to claim the throne, that's right, it is good that they are not close to each other.


"where did you run away vasu?"

"nothing......just was......watching.....yeah, watching the sun"

Radha look at her soon, who stood looking here and there while squirming as she ask sternly.

"are you lying vasu?" The said boy didn't replied making his mother Sigh as she look at him before saying.

"you should not lie like that vasu. Promise me you will never lie.......to anyone, for anything" The boy look his mother before saying.

"I, Radheya Vasusen Karna, promise my mother that I will never lie from now onwards, to anyone, for anything" It might not be something surprising for radheya but still looking at his mother's smile, it is definitely worth it.

"come we should eat now"

"yes, I am very-"

"I am back"

"Pitashree!!" Adhirath come towards his family before smiling when he heard his son's excited squeal as he went inside before looking at son.

"what happened pitashree?"

"you said you want to learn archery-" Adhirath said but stopped when saw excited twinkle in his son's eyes as he shake his head before continuing "-you know about Mahendragiri parvat, where Bhagwan Parashurama lives, though I don't know if he will teach you"

That did not lessen the excitement of his son as Karna eat his food while thinking of the person his father just told him. It is no wonder that Bhangwan Parashurama only teaches brahman and he is not brahman, though didn't he taught Gangaputra Bhisma.


"welcome back putro"

"yudhishtir, are you all okay?"

"yes Maa, we all are okay" Yudhishtir said as he watch his brothers going inside with mata kunti to change their clothes as he look at himself, who also need to change clothes too before his mind went to the boy who helped him.

'will we meet again?'


"I will go to Mahendragiri parvat tomorrow"


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