[C9] Bonding & Answers

Start from the beginning

I got up and helped Lily up, “Y/n, are you o-”, “Im fine, let's go get ice cream” i said smiling at her, she only looked at me with a confused and worried look before nodding and we headed to the parlor. There weren't any new flavors yet so we got each other some flavor. I got her the strawberry cheesecake flavor and she got me the f/ic/f (fav ice-cream flavor), then we went to the park to enjoy our ice creams.

“Oh Y/n, i almost forgot, me and my family are going to go camping soon and i was wondering if you wanted to join?” I hummed, thinking for a moment as I licked my ice cream, “You can bring the twins” Lily added, licking a cheesecake chunk from her ice cream and eating it, “I'll ask if we can go, when are you leaving?”, “Spring break, next week if you forgot” I nodded, licking my ice cream again. Mrs. Afton might say yes but her husband- ex husband?- uh would say no, i'm sure Michael wouldn't want to go, even though he cant be invited.

“I'll ask tonight, i'll text you my answer by tonight, if not then i'll tell you in the morning” i told her, she nodded with a smile. We finished our ice cream after a few minutes and we walked on the park’s path that goes around the whole park. It was nice, getting away from the thoughts of what happened along with whatever has been happening at the house. Not that it gets dramatic or anything, it just feels stuffy in there, fresh air is nice, “So are you and Alan dating?” I was caught off guard when Lily asked that.

My face flushed a bit, “O-oh uhm yeah, for- a while now” i answered, rubbing the back of my head, “Really? And you didn't tell me?” she gasped dramatically as if she was deeply offended which made me laugh, “And you didn't tell me right away Kate and my ex were dating?” We both laughed before realizing we made it back to the beginning of the path again. Which we of course did another walk around. “What's it like dating him? Not that i'm interested in taking him from you”, “Yeah don't think about stealing my husband” i laughed.

Lily rolled her eyes, smiling, “Well to answer your question, he's really amazing and protective, he likes acting tough but he's really just soft”, “Aww that's cute” we continued talking about random things and the next thing we knew the sun was setting. “Woah look at the sunset” Lily pointed out, i looked seeing the beautiful hues of red, orange, yellow fading to a pink, purple, and blue in the sky, “Wow, it's gorgeous” i muttered, Lily nodded in agreement, “We should really head back, my legs feel like its turning into noodles from all this walking” she chuckled.

I chuckled and nodded, “Yeah” we started walking out of the park and midway we split to our own directions, of course i pretended like i was going to the house, but after she was far enough i changed my course to home. Home. I'm already calling it that. I smiled to myself and soon got to the abandoned neighborhood which is still just as creepy as in daylight. When I got to the door, I heard yelling so I went to the window instead and observed what was happening.

“It's not even that late, just wait a few more minutes then you can go look for Y/n” Michael told Evan, i looked to where Evan was and holy shit did he look stressed and kinda scary- like his eyes were black with just the white eye lights just like the night i found him, but black tears were streaming down his face, was i gone for that long? “What if someone took her? I knew I should have followed them!” Yandere vibes, “Evan-”, “I shouldn't have trusted that blond girl” I rolled my eyes, he stereotypes Lily, “Evan! Y/n is outside, if you stop focusing on your stress then you would have sensed Y/n at the door watching us” Michael growled, staring in my direction.

My eyes widened as I stumbled over to the door and opened it, smiling awkwardly. Evan ran up to me and hugged me tightly, picking me up actually and spun me around which made me a little dizzy from the sudden spin. I heard Elizabeth trying but failing to hold in her laugh at this amusing scene. Evan put me back down on the ground but kept a firm grip on my arms, his eyes were back to normal besides the white part in his eyes which is still a little black, “Y/n i was so worried, did anything happen? Are you okay? Did someone hurt you?” he asked more frantice instead of worried.

Evan (CC) Afton X Fem. Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now