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News: A dalit girl ( 15 ) was raped by a group of boys belonging to the upper section of the society. These boys are sons of PIC party leaders and workers.
Elections are due in 5 months, do you think PIC party has any chances of winning now ?
The girl is still traumatised and in a bad condition while the dalit community is protesting on the streets as this is not the first time a dalit girl has been targeted.

Mahendra  Advani is pacing around the room looking agitated and tense. He should be as he is the leader of the PIC party.

Kabir Advani, his eldest son is staring at the news looking disoriented. He is 21 and too young for crap like this but he is the future leader and should learn from situations like these.

Rashmi Advani ( Mahendra's wife ) and Gautami Advani ( Mahendra's mother ) enter the room unaware of the upcoming decision.

Just behind him is a dashing looking boy around 20 year old, with his dark skin colour but manly face and short hair, he is quite lean but on his way to grow muscles. Raghav Advani. The second son of the Advanis'.

I was waiting for you. Mahendra starts.

" Our family has been rulling over Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh for a long time now, even with other CM in power, we had the most influence. We have been winning the elections for last 2 decades solely because your grandfather and I have served our people selflessly.
Raghav, as the second son, you can only become a small leader in our party as your brother will take over the party and the business after me but you have a chance to prove yourself. If you want the family business to be handed over to you then you have to accept this deal. "  Mahendra finished looking at Raghav expectantly.

He thought Raghav is going to immediately agree with whatever the deal is but he is wrong. Raghav is way more mature now. He will listen to the deal first and he does not need to voice that thought.

His father starts explaining
"This dalit girl, Revati, is our only way to save the reputation of our family. I have gotten rid of those leaders and their sons but that is not enough. That girl is uneducated and her only means of living a good life is marrying but now that she is supposedly ruined, no one will marry her. I suggest you marry her. "

Before Mahendra can see Raghav's reaction. He hears an audible gasp.

"No, no way is my son going to marry a dalit girl. This cannot happen, my son is good-looking and rich. He deserves a girl from the highest society of India who is well educated and not a good digger. " Rashmi shrieks.

Mahendra is speechless, he agrees but this is the only option. "I can't get our oldest son married to her because he is already engaged and the leader of our party. "

"You are using my grandson as an escape goat." Gautami chimes in sternly.

"This will be good for our family, we will be more adored by people and definitely win the elections." Mahendra defends himself

"So what? We are gonna let a disgusting dark woman with no sense of responsibility and cleanliness marry our son? And ruin our lineage?" Rashmi says

"You haven't even met her" Mahendra starts but is cut off by Rashmi

"Do I have to see her? Poor families that have always seen poverty are incredibly greedy, no amount of money is enough for them. My son will have to share the same bed with a girl who probably does not clean herself for days. Take a look at your son. He is 20 and is already recieving marriage proposals left and right. He is handsome and well- mannered. He will not marry an ugly looking girl who does not even know how to speak basic English."

Gautami silently agreed with Rashmi.

Mahendra looked over to find Raghav deep in thoughts.
"Son, you might not relate to this because you don't have a sister or a daughter but rape is the worst thing that could ever happen to a girl. It ruins her life and her self esteem. Someone accessing a girl body without her permission is humiliating and traumatizing for her. She will always have to face this part of her life and everyone is going to bring this topic up. You are the only chance she has to a good life. "

Raghav does feel bad about the girl, how pathetic she must feel right now. But that is in the back of his mind. He is not a very emotional person, more of a practical minded individual. If marrying this girl get him the key to the family business then why not? He does not want both the assets to go to his elder brother. Although the idea of marrying a girl who is a beggar is repulsive to him but he might be able to manage her.

"Okay"  Raghav finally replies, leaving all of his family stunned.

"Raghav, don't be greedy and think twice " his grandmother asks him to think again but little does she know that Raghav has already thought through and is ready.

"You won't be getting married know,but when the girl turns 18." Mahendra continues "After a few years of marriage when our family is stabilized, we will tell them to divorce. "

"Yes, I can't beleive that family has the audacity to think that they can be in the same house as ours and bear a child with our name. " Rashmi admits

"Just marry her. After a year, you can divorce her but make sure she is not pregnant. Dalit girls are quite cunning and will try to conceive a child so that she cannot be kicked out. Don't let that happen."

"We are the top 5 richest family in India, a dalit girl does not belong in our mansion. After your divorce, you shall get married to an actual woman deserving of our family name. Just one year" Gautami finalizes and leaves.

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