CH. 24 - Becky the not-so-amazing-cupid

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Becky laughed, "Why are you so shy now, Arthur? You were so confident and arrogant back in the day!" No, damn it! Don't go near Anya you imbecile! I'm gonna kill you! But... for the sake of Damian's jealousy... She smiled sweetly between murderous thoughts.

"Oh, uh, yeah." He smiled softly. "I've grown over that,"

Becky was surprised over his 'maturity'. Wow. Uh. Hopefully she doesn't suddenly fall for him? Aghhh, no. She shook her head over those thoughts. I am done being a hopeless romantic! I am not about to fall for another guy. 'Specially not him. "Ah, ok. Toodaloo, now. You wouldn't want to keep your love waiting." She cringed horribly inside upon saying that. She still mustered up the power to smirk, to maybe make Arthur feel embarrassed she said Anya was his 'love', but maybe because she knew Damian was watching her very carefully, surprised at what she said.

Arthur laughed sheepishly again and headed off to the hospital.

Becky almost bursted into laughter when she felt a firm hand grab her by the shoulders. She immediately put on an innocent face and acted afraid when her gaze met Damian's.

"What the heck!? Anya's really ali—"

"Shush," She interrupted, changing her innocent face to an evil grin as she couldn't keep up the act any longer. Then she suddenly burst into fits of laughter, making Damian confused, he started to take some steps away from her as she started rolling on the floor laughing.

What the hell...? Is she possessed...? Damian nervously opened the door to the phone booth, ready to call the exorcists. He started dialing the number when Becky shouted.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING???" She got up and saw which numbers his fingers tapped on, and she gasped in horror. "ARE YOU DIALING THE EXORCIST??? WHAT THE HECK, DESMOND! NO, I AM NOT POSSESSED! GIVE ME THAT!" She started fighting for the phone, and Damian just got even more terrified, clinging onto the object for dear life.

"You're ill! You're not in your right mind—!"

"I was trying to make you jealous of Arthur so you could finally visit Anya! Go!" She sighed in disappointment. "I didn't expect you to call me an exorcist!" She said as she finally took hold of the telephone which was already dialed, she held it up to her ear to only hear the exorcist asking questions worriedly.

"No, my friend was just being insane." She said, as she motioned for Damian to shoo away and get going. He silently closed the door of the phone booth and ran for his life, still thinking she was possessed.

"Insane!?" Said the man from the other side of the phone. "Do you need me to exorcise him?"

"No!" Then she hung up, and sighed in disappointment, sitting on a random bench solemnly. "I have no drama left..." She sighed once again.


Anya was silently crying in her hospital bed, when knocks came at the door. She quickly wiped her tears away but couldn't do it fast enough because Arthur already opened the door.

He gasped, "Anya," he ran to her as fast as he could whilst holding a bouquet of flowers. "Why are you crying? Who did this to you?" He asked sternly as he wiped away her tears with his thumb.

Anya stared at him in shock for a few seconds. No, no, no! Stop reminding me of him! New layers of tears welled up in her eyes and she continued sobbing even harder. Ow, it hurts...

"Stop— stop," She mumbled, putting a hand on her eye. That hurt. Why was he so rough? Ugh... She thought as she took his hand and placed it somewhere else on the bed.

Anya took his hand. "How did you know?" She said, still crying.

"It was pretty obvious." He chuckled, and put his thumb on her face to gently wipe away her tears. So gentle, that it was like a mere brush on her skin.

And It All Started With A Punch - DAMIANYAWhere stories live. Discover now