CH. 3 So you are.

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"Thank you for walking Anya to school, papa." Anya said as they walked closer to the gate.

"Of course, Anya. Take care, alright?" Loid said, smiling.

"Ok, papa. See you later." Anya waved bye to her father and entered the gate.

"See you later at home."

'Well, technically not at home, because I'll be spying on her...and Damian. I'm only of course doing this in order to know what Anya is doing or saying to him Incase she messes something up...that's all.' He thought, while walking 'home'.

'I can still hear papa's thoughts...' Anya entered Eden and walked to her classroom.

"Miss forger, you are very early today. Half your classmates haven't arrived yet." The teacher said.

"Oh, it's because of the group project, sir. We decided that we'll spend a bit more time on it as we wait for the lesson to start." Anya lied, the real reason was that she stayed up all night to finish planning her project with bond, and didn't get a wink of sleep so that's why when Loid 'woke her up' she was already awake. She thought it was a good idea since she saw the toy plane they were making in bond's vision. It looked quite bad so she decided to make a new blueprint for it.

'Truly elegant, group 1!'
Master Henderson thought.

"Alright, you may go to your seat."


"Good morning Syon-boy." Anya said as she unpacked her backpack.

"Morning. Why are you so early? Also, aren't you gonna sit in your usual seat?" Damian changed his focus to her.

'I mean, I don't mind if she stays here or not.'

"You look like you haven't slept." Damian said.

"That's because I haven't." Anya stopped taking her notebooks out of her backpack and turned to Damian.

"Huh, why? You could get a tonitrus bolt for lying." Damian flicked her forehead.

"Oww," Anya rubbed her head in pain, "it was for a good reason. I have a new blew-print plan for our plane!"

"Oh, really? I expect you to present it after school then." Damian said.

"Yes, syon-boy!"

'Anya didn't sleep!? What if she dozes off in class!? Then she'll get a tonitrus bolt!!!'

Crackle crackle...

Anya heard her father's thoughts. She was certain he was near her because she could hear him very clearly. But, where could he possibly be? Anya looked around her.

'She almost caught me! I have to be careful...I should come back once they're gonna start their assignment.'

"Students, please focus on the board. Class is starting now." The teacher announced.

'Oh, so papa will be here once we start our project...' Anya took note of that in her mind.


Becky, Emile, and Ewen sat at the very back at the class hoping not to be seen by Damian and Anya. (Which is a dumb idea because they're just 2 rows further from them)

"So, what's the plan?" Ewen whispered.

"Here. I wrote it on a paper." Becky slid the paper into the middle where they could all see it.

And It All Started With A Punch - DAMIANYA Where stories live. Discover now