8. Storage Unit

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+Melantha Collins+

I woke up, stretching.

Getting ready I got a smoothie and drove to the storage unit I rent.

I opened it, sliding under before shutting it.

He was sweating, tired, gorgeous.

I walked to him, pulling the gag from his mouth and letting him sip my smoothie.

He panted, his head rolling back, exposing his throat.


"I'm sorry."

"I gave you what you wanted-"

"No. You didn't."

I grabbed a bottle of water from the mini fridge I kept in here.

I opened it, putting it to his lips.

He drank, chugging it.

I put two ibuprofens into his mouth and had him swallow that for any possible headache the drinks may have given him.

I checked the side of his head where I'd hit him.

Blood was dried in his hair and down his face.

"I'm gonna clean this up. The waters gonna be cold."

As I cleaned him up he spoke quietly in German.

The only words I understood was just 'bunny'.

Other than that, I didn't understand him.


"Hm?" I asked, done cleaning him up as I threw away the bloodied things I'd used.

"Are you hungry?"


I stocked the small fridge and pulled out some food I made, heating it up in the microwave in here before sitting in front of him.

"Untie me."



"You're stronger than I am."

I pushed his hair back and fed the pasta I made to him.

The whole thing was done soon. He looked confused and tired.

"What am I here for?"

"Mmm I haven't decided your exact purpose. I just know I hated the girls watching you go into the bathroom and leave-"

"I can't control that. Being looked at."

"I don't want you being looked at by anyone other than me." I sighed.

"How do I fix that to please you, your highness?" He rolled his eyes.

"By being into me like I'm into you. I don't ask for a lot. I don't want anything other than that either."

"Let me go, we'll figure it out-"

"No." I was irritated.

He sighed.


I came back from a cute party Myla had.

Figured I should get him water and dinner.

I was unsure what my plans were with this.

It's fine.

I opened the garage and slid in

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I opened the garage and slid in.

He looked over me and smiled lazily.

"You look good."

"I know." I sighed.

I got him water, fed him.



"Lock the garage. I swear I won't leave, just untie me, I need to move."

"Swear? Because if you try to do anything I have no problem slicing your throat open." I warned.

I absolutely meant it with every fiber of my being.

"That's fine. I won't leave."

I locked it with my personal lock and put my knife in my knee covering.

I undid the chains that held him to the chair and he slowly stood.

I handed him a toothbrush and a mini toothpaste.

I gave him a water bottle and over the garage drain he brushed his teeth.

I watched him, wary.

He finished and used the small mouthwash.

I kept these things in here for when I possibly travel but it's good for this too.

He was done and walked toward me.

I grabbed my knife and watched what he was doing.

He didn't look angry. Not even upset.

He cupped my chin and kissed me softly.

My whole body burned from this small amount of contact.

"Talk to me. If I'm stuck in here you might as well talk to me and make me understand you." He said.

"I don't know if I trust you." I replied.

"That's alright."

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