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(James POV) (Age 8):

Today was the day, the day I escape from this purgatory, I carefully and silently took off my inhibitor rings on my wrist. I glanced around, ensuring that no one had noticed my actions. I still felt the pain in my back from the branding they gave me a few days ago. The day they killed my best friend, the very one who was like a sister to me.

Images of my friend, her laughter and her kindness, mingled with the agony of her loss. I was then hit in the back by a baton, "Get back to work you animal." The sharp impact of the baton against my back knocked the breath from my lungs, and I stumbled forward, pain shooting through me. I clenched my teeth to stifle any cries, refusing to show weakness in front of my oppressors.

I turned around to face him, it was a middle age guy with a smirk on his face.

With a voice steadied by defiance, I spoke, my words laced with a quiet intensity, "I'm not an animal. I'm a person, and I won't be treated as anything less."

The man's smirk faltered for a moment, replaced by a flicker of surprise at my boldness. But it was quickly replaced by a sneer of contempt as he raised his baton once more, ready to strike me down for daring to challenge his authority.

Right as he was about to swing down, I kicked the inside of his knee. The man's grip on the baton loosened as his leg buckled beneath him, sending him crashing to the ground with a grunt of pain. I didn't hesitate. Seizing the opportunity, I lunged forward, snatching the baton from his grasp before he could recover.

As more guards rushed over, I knew I had one shot at this, or I'd be caught and subjected to even harsher punishment. Adrenaline surged through my veins, heightening my senses and sharpening my focus. I gripped the baton tightly, my heart pounding in my chest as I assessed the situation.

With swift and calculated movements, I swung the baton in a wide arc, creating a barrier between myself and the advancing guards. Their eyes widened in surprise at my sudden defiance, giving me a momentary advantage.

I used this moment to activate my semblance, and quickly take them down. The air crackled with lightning that sounded me, as I took a breath of air my ears was cut off with the gate opening up, as more guards filled in, this time with guns, and laser sight pointed at me.

 The air crackled with lightning that sounded me, as I took a breath of air my ears was cut off with the gate opening up, as more guards filled in, this time with guns, and laser sight pointed at me

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(Imagine it James)

"You have one chance, drop the weapon, and get on the ground," the lead guard barked, his voice cold and authoritative.

With a defiant glare, I tightened my grip on the baton, my resolve hardening with each passing moment. "I won't go down without a fight," I declared, my voice ringing out with quiet determination.

The guards tensed, their fingers tightening around their weapons as they prepared to unleash a barrage of gunfire. But I refused to cower before them, standing tall and unyielding in the face of their threats.

With a burst of speed, I darted forward, dodging the hail of bullets as I closed the distance between us. The crackling energy of my semblance surrounded me, empowering me with strength and agility beyond my wildest dreams.

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