35 A dream come true

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Never in her long life had Sanja felt such a deep sense of being complete. As she looked down at her babies, she sighed deeply. A small, yet tired smile on her lips. Damian slowly wrapped his long arms around her middle from behind so that he could pull her tightly against him. He, too, felt happier than ever. It almost seemed strange to him to be so much happier. He had never thought it was possible to feel even more bliss. But here he was.

With the love of his life in his arms as they both looked at their twins. Bella and Cosmo slumbered next to each other in the crib. They were so small and only a few days old, so they had enough space until the second crib was made.

"I love you," he whispered into his wife's ear before giving her a kiss on the temple.

"I love you too. More and more every day," she replied as she turned in his arms so that she could look at him.

Damian brushed a strand of her hair behind her ear before giving her a long, tender kiss. He then rested his forehead against hers. They both inhaled deeply as they enjoyed the silence of the moment.

Sanja thought back to the first time she saw Damian. Back then, she would never have thought it possible that fate would bring her a man in this way. And yet it was exactly what had happened.

Even though it still hurt and would probably always hurt that Kekepania no longer existed, it was a comfort that she could share the memories and knowledge with her children in the future. 

Sanja had always believed that she had everything she needed. That the small island was enough for her. However, life and a storm had other plans.

And Damian also thought about how different everything would be if he hadn't been washed up on Kekepania. He would probably be dead, and all because he wanted to avoid someone. Instead, he ended up at the side of the woman he could now call not only his wife but also the mother of his children.

A completely different life for both of them. Just as Erwindro, in his infinite wisdom, had predicted.

"Would you like to have a nice dinner with me?" Damian asked quietly.

"I would love to. Let's enjoy the time while the little ones are asleep," she replied.

Damian took Sanja by the hand and together they left the bedroom. Leaving the door open so that they would hear immediately if the twins woke up.

"Oh! How did you do that?" Sanja asked in surprise as they entered the library, where a small table was already set for them.

The candles cast a soft light on everything. It was undoubtedly very romantic.

"Well I have my ways around here. There's crawfish... Like the day we kissed for the first time. I know it's not exactly the same, but I wanted to refresh the memory a little," Damian replied as he stroked her back.

"You really are the best thing that could have happened to me, my Lord." Sanja said as she reached up to him.

"I am grateful for you every day, my Lady," he replied.

And so Damian and Sanja enjoyed a quiet candlelit dinner surrounded by thousands of stories that lived in the books around them. They talked and laughed. But of course it wasn't long before the babies longed for their parents. However, they weren't the only ones who longed. Sanja and Damian simply couldn't be without Cosmo and Bella for long.

After the babies had been taken care of, the family went to bed. Little Bella slept soundly on her father's chest while Cosmo lay in Sanja's arms and looked at her with his big, familiar eyes. She gently stroked his cheek and forehead until those eyes grew heavy and he too fell asleep.

Perhaps these two beloved children would one day dream of the island without which they would not exist. Because one thing was certain for Damian and Sanja, it would always be a dream come true.

Island Dream [a Damian Priest  fantasy story]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum