29 Important hour

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With a deeply content smile, Damian reached for Sanja's hand. She entwined her fingers with his and they walked hand in hand down the aisle towards the altar and the minister waiting there.

What had just happened was already far away for both of them. They were confident that the matter of Minette had now been settled for all time.

Sanja sighed deeply as she now had time to absorb all the details for the first time. Damian had promised her that everything would be perfect and it was. Even if the word perfect didn't seem sufficient to describe how truly beautiful everything around her was.

"Dear Sanja, dear Damian...

You are not alone in this important hour of your life. You are surrounded by people who are close to you, even if they may not be physically present. You can have the certainty that you are connected with our community and with all Christians in the unity of the Church. At the same time, you should know that God is with you. He is the God of your life and your love. He sanctifies your love and unites you in an inseparable covenant of life. I ask you first of all to publicly declare what you mean to each other.

Sanja, please describe to Damian what he means to you." the minister began.

When she looked up at Damian and smiled, the butterflies fluttered in her stomach again. She wondered if she would even be able to describe how important he was to her in a few short sentences.

"Damian, words will never be enough to describe how much you have truly graced my life. You were washed into my life, literally, and have made it so much better than I ever thought possible.

You alone are the reason I stand before you today. Even though I don't need a protector, I know that you will always be there to prove me wrong. And I am grateful that you want to protect me from everything. You are always there for me. I can be weak by your side, I can let myself fall because I know that you will always catch me.

I love you. I love you more than I can say, but I will spend the rest of my life proving it to you. Not a day shall go by without me showing you how much you and our love mean to me," she said softly yet powerfully as she held Damian's hands tightly in hers.

"Damian, is there anything you want to say to Sanja?" the minister asked after Sanja had finished.

He needed a moment to collect himself and blink away the tears that were welling up in his eyes.

"My darling Sanja... I thought long and hard about what I wanted to tell you. But in the end it was quite simple. You are my world. The sun in my universe. When I saw you for the first time, I thought that my life had ended and that I was looking into the eyes of an angel. And that's exactly what you are. You are my angel, my blessing that makes every day in my life better.

I cherish every moment I get to call you mine. All I have to do is think of you and I have to smile. And I would walk thousands of miles, I would walk through fire to make you as happy as you make me.

I love you. I'm head over heels in love with you and I can't wait to see what's next for us. I'll be patient for it, because I know it can only be magnificent." Damian spoke as he looked deep into the eyes that always reminded him of liquid fire.

"And now. Please, the rings and repeat after me." the minister continued.

"Before the face of God, I accept you as my spouse. I promise to be faithful to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, until death do us part. I will love, cherish and honor you all the days of my life. Wear this ring as a sign of our love and fidelity," they both repeated after the minister before slipping the beautiful rings on their fingers, which, like Sanja's engagement ring, were made of Kekepania gold.

"Sanja, will you love and respect your husband and remain faithful to him all the days of his life? Are you both prepared to accept the children God wants to give you and to bring them up in the spirit of Christ and his church?" he asked.

"I do," said Sanja.

"Damian, do you want to love and respect your wife and remain faithful to her all the days of his life? Are you both prepared to accept the children God wants to give you and to bring them up in the spirit of Christ and his church?" he wanted to know from Damian.

"I do," he said.

"It is a special honor for me to pronounce you husband and wife. Damian, you may kiss the bride," said the minister.

Damian then wrapped his wife in his arms and kissed her for the first time as her husband. The guests cheered as the two melted into each other. Sanja wrapped her arms around his neck just in time before Damian lifted her off her feet.

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