14 The calm before the storm

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"Okay fine... You win... Let's get some towels." Sanja finally said when she had gathered her senses.

What was it that this man was doing to her? Never before had it been so easy for anyone to persuade her to do anything. After all, she was an extremely stubborn person. Something she had inherited from her mother. It was a trait that was not appreciated, but it led to the desired result more than once.

"One day you'll realize that I always win..." Damian laughed.

He was very pleased with himself that he was able to convince her so quickly. After all, he had expected it to take a little longer. And although he had no idea exactly what preparations Erwindro had been talking about, he could sense the urgency. Instinctively, Damian knew that he didn't have much time. 

After fetching a few towels, Sanja and Damian set off hand in hand through the forest. They weren't in a hurry and so the walk took a little longer than usual. It was a beautiful day, the birds were singing their song and the sun was shimmering through the leaf canopy onto the forest floor. Damian helped her over the many obstacles. Even though she had obviously already done it on her own many times, Sanja enjoyed every touch. Whenever he held her hand or upper arm to help her over a tree trunk or a large rock, her heart beat a little faster.

When they arrived at the waterfall, neither of them hesitated to take off their clothes. Damian's eyes followed Sanja's every move. For a moment, he was stunned as he once again absorbed every detail.

How her skin shone in the soft light, how her braided hair lay on her bare back... How her hips swayed back and forth as she took her first steps into the water... How the water splashed against her defined legs.

"Mmmh... It's so warm today... Much warmer than average. Are you coming?" said Sanja as she was already standing in water up to her stomach.

Without saying a word, Damian followed her. He also quickly noticed how pleasantly warm the water was today. But it never occurred to either of them that it might be an omen.

"God, do you know how beautiful you are?" Damian asked as he approached her and wrapped his long arms around her.

He pulled her to his chest and gently caressed her skin as he looked at her. Slowly, he moved her with him closer to the waterfall.

"Don't you think you're a little biased?" she laughed but blushed at the same time.

She wasn't used to hearing words like that. And she wasn't sure if she would ever get used to it. What she would certainly never get used to, or want to get used to, were the butterflies in her stomach.

"Not a bit. It's the truth." Damian replied over the noise the water made at this point.

"Well, I hope you know that you are too... Beautiful, I mean." Sanja said as she placed a hand on the side of his neck.

She pulled his head down towards her so that she could kiss this special man. The man she considered a gift from the sea. She was grateful that he had been spared and that he was now a part of her life.

Slowly and always in contact, the two swam through the warm water. They enjoyed the time alone so much that they didn't notice anything around them. Sanja only had eyes for Damian and Damian only had eyes for Sanja.

At some point, she pulled him with her behind the waterfall. A small ledge had formed there. The light formed little rainbows on her skin.

Damian wasted no time. His hands began to roam slowly and yet demanding over his beloved's skin. And Sanja couldn't help but do the same. They explored every line, every curve. Every touch was as exciting as the first time.

Sanja tilted her head a little to the side, giving Damian's lips more space. Slowly, he nibbled and sucked on her neck while his hand slid down between them. She held on to his shoulders until his fingertip finally came into contact with her most sensitive area. She gasped. Involuntarily, her hands slid down his back until she was holding onto his behind.

Agonizingly slowly, Damian began to let his fingertip circle. He was enjoying the noises Sanja was making too much. Every moan was like music to his ears. He could feel her pulse against his lips as he pleasured her.

The water around them wrapped them in its veil, hiding them from the rest of the world. And so they could give themselves to each other without anyone being able to discover them.

The hours passed and eventually the two of them were sitting in the warm sand on the beach, as they had often done recently. They enjoyed the sunset. The seagulls screeched as they circled above their heads and the waves broke soundfully.

Sanja had her arms wrapped around Damian's as she rested her head on his shoulder. Closing her eyes, she sighed deeply and wished this moment would last forever.

Damian smiled softly when he heard the contented, relaxed sigh. He then pressed a kiss to Sanja's hair. He, too, wished he could sit here like this forever. But a part of him knew that they wouldn't be granted that. And indeed, after only a few minutes of silence, they heard footsteps approaching.

"Sanja!" Paya called over to them as she came running out of the shade of the trees.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"It's your grandfather. Now hurry!" Paya replied and turned around.

Instantly they both realized that the calm before the storm was over.

Island Dream [a Damian Priest  fantasy story]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang