Chapter 6

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Sniffing the gravelly scent of the road, I followed its winding path for several minutes, the rhythmic crunch of stones beneath my feet providing a reassuring cadence. Somehow, I had managed to lose the man in the suit, or perhaps he had decided to cease his pursuit. 

As I slowed to catch my breath, memories flickered through my mind like fragments of a dream. The image of the striped lizard-like creature lingered, its features both unsettling and oddly familiar. Though I had never encountered this being before, I recognized its species—a creation of fear, crafted by Father, a demon of ancient lore.

The realization struck me like a bolt of lightning. If Father had spawned such creatures of terror, was it possible he had also fashioned dragons? Could this mean we shared some distant, primordial connection?

Curled on the roadside, the cool night air enveloping me, I pondered these unsettling thoughts. The idea of kinship with creatures borne of fear and legend filled me with a mix of curiosity and apprehension, hinting at deeper mysteries yet to be unveiled in my quest to understand my true nature and purpose in this enigmatic world.

Though it no longer mattered, the presence of Mother surrounded me, a comforting yet unsettling embrace that stirred feelings of remorse and emptiness within. Questions raced through my mind, each one a knot of uncertainty. What would become of me now? Was this to be my life, forever severed from my family and everything familiar? 

Lost in contemplation, a rustling noise snapped me from my reverie. Instinctively, I sniffed the air, my senses honing in on a bush nestled beside the path. Halting in my tracks, I sensed a palpable presence lurking nearby. "Something is here," I muttered under my breath, every nerve tingling with heightened awareness.

Raising my gaze to the surrounding trees, I detected movement. There, amidst the branches, a figure emerged—a pale, faceless man whose unsettling stare bore into me with an intensity that sent a chill down my spine. 

Responding with a primal growl, I bared my teeth in a display of instinctual defiance. The man remained unmoved, his inscrutable presence casting a shadow over the tranquil forest around us. 

He cocked his head slightly, studying me with an air of curiosity that mirrored my own. I mirrored his gesture, intrigued by this strange, faceless being standing before me. 

I took a tentative step forward, my nostrils flaring as I caught his unfamiliar scent drifting on the breeze. The aroma was alien yet oddly soothing, beckoning me closer. With caution, I approached the edge of the tree line where he knelt, extending his hand towards me in a gesture of peace.

His fingertips were cool against my sensitive nose, sending a shiver through me as I hesitantly nuzzled against his palm. With surprising gentleness, he stroked my head, his touch strangely comforting yet tinged with an underlying energy that pricked at my instincts.

A wave of sensation washed over my mind, a subtle intrusion that stirred a primal instinct deep within me. Startled, I leaped back, hissing in a reflexive display of unease. The encounter left me conflicted, torn between curiosity and caution, unsure of the intentions behind this enigmatic being's gentle overture.

My head snapped up, ears twitching as the sound of rocks crunching underfoot reached me. I turned swiftly, my gaze narrowing on a group of figures emerging through the underbrush. They came to an abrupt halt, weapons glinting menacingly in the dappled light filtering through the trees. Among them, I spotted a sword, knives, firearms gripped tightly, and hatchets poised for action.

Silence settled over the forest, broken only by a low, growling hiss escaping my throat as I confronted the intruders. The tension thickened as I bristled, my wings snapping open with a sharp rustle. I arched my back, tail lashing in agitation, its blade-like tip slicing through the air in warning.

Sticks and Stones [Creepypasta X FEM Reader]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora