Chapter 4

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"I'm Natalie, but everyone calls me Clocks," the only girl at the table introduced herself, extending her hand as I settled into my seat. Her handshake was firm, her demeanor confident despite the eyepatch that adorned her face. She sported a stylish blue-green jacket, paired with a casual black shirt and classic blue jeans. Her brown hair framed her face elegantly, its warmth contrasting with the striking green of her visible eye. Yet, it was the eyepatch that drew my attention, hinting at a story waiting to be told.

"Lockwood Benjamin, but you knew that, Princess," Ben chimed in with his usual flair, flashing a playful grin my way. His introduction was accompanied by the familiar sight of headphones draped around his neck, a constant accessory that seemed to be a part of him wherever he went.

"Jeff," the boy introduced himself with a casual nod in my direction before turning his attention back to the forest. Today, he sported a striking red and white tie-dye jacket, the colors swirling together in mesmerizing patterns. As I studied the design, I noticed intricate shapes forming within the fabric: some resembling people, while others resembled animals, creating a captivating tapestry of imagery.

"Where did you get your jacket, Jeff?" I inquired, intrigued by the unique design.

"I made it myself, easier to hide blood stains," Jeff replied with a hint of dark humor, his eyes squinting in what seemed like a smile, although it was difficult to discern behind his face mask.

"That's..." I hesitated, glancing down at my own clothes before returning my gaze to Jeff. "Smart. I didn't think you knew how to use your brain, Jeff," I remarked, a hint of playful sarcasm lacing my words. 

"Why, you little-" Jeff started to speak, his tone tinged with frustration, but his words were cut off as I glanced around at the others. Their scrutinizing stares bore into me, making me feel suddenly self-conscious under their collective gaze.

"You could use tie dye," Jack interrupted him with a mischievous grin. "Or just get pure black jackets. I have spares if you want one or two." His suggestion brought a light-hearted atmosphere to the tense moment, offering a practical solution to Jeff's wardrobe concerns.

"Hell yeah, I will gladly steal one of them," I exclaimed, flashing Jack a grateful grin. His offer was a welcome solution to my own fashion dilemmas.

"Ok, but if you find something suspicious-" Jack began, his expression turning serious as he issued a cautionary reminder. 

"I won't say anything, cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye," I pledged with a lighthearted grin, attempting to ease the tension with a touch of whimsy. However, my attempt at levity seemed to elicit puzzled glances from the group, their expressions a mixture of amusement and confusion. Undeterred, I flashed them a reassuring smile and gave a thumbs up, hoping to convey my sincerity in a more conventional manner.

"Do you like sweets?" A boy leaned over, his shoulder brushing against mine as he brought himself to eye level with me. With his unkempt dark hair and intense gaze, he resembled L from a death anime a friend had shown me, but unlike the character's usual solemn demeanor, this boy was smiling warmly.

"Candy apple?" he offered, holding out the tempting treat with a mischievous glint in his eyes, his expression inviting and friendly despite his somewhat unconventional appearance.

"Sometimes," I replied with a playful shrug, a hint of skepticism in my tone as I eyed the offered candy apple."And is it poisoned?"

"Of course it is," he chuckled, a mischievous gleam in his eye as he extended the treat toward me. With a mixture of curiosity and bravado, I accepted the apple and took a large bite, the sweetness exploding on my tongue. 

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