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-Jasper! What did I tell you about drinking my coffee! - I yelled going upstairs with a dangerous face.

-Run away! - I heard a voice coming from the room and after a while Jasper ran out ramming me on the stairs. Pushed to the wall, I growled as he ran past me and ran into the kitchen.

-Come back here! - I shouted running back downstairs - This time you won't run away!

-Help! Bella is having her period again! - I heard him scream and groaned loudly.

I went into the kitchen where Jeremy was sitting with my mother drinking wine. Jasper was hidden behind them. He squatted after his father like a coward.

- I toll you... you'll do it again, and I'll stab your nails somewhere, where you wouldn't want to! - I growled and I saw my mother look at Jeremy surprised.

-Look, it was so quiet - they both laughed and looked at me.

-It's not my fault that your Starbucks coffees are so good! - Jasper started defending himself.

-Did he drink your coffee again? - Jeremy raised an eyebrow. I nodded and put my hands on the cage - Well, son, unfortunately I won't protect you from this.

-Did you get off? - Thomas rushed into the kitchen and became frozen seeing how's the situation - I mean... Apologize to Bella, kid - he muttered, and I shook my head.

-You are impossible! - I threw my hands into the air - And what will I drink on the road - I groaned sadly.

-Don't worry baby, we'll drive somewhere along the way - murmured Thomas  - Maybe we'll even go eat something...- my eyes lit up.

-Food? - I muttered, and Jasper stood up and took a deep sigh.

-Thanks brother - he smiled - You know how to protect someone's ass - I smacked at him dissatisfied.

Hermes entered the kitchen, and you could see that he got up with his left foot. I frowned at the sight.

-Something happened? - I muttered nicely and looked at Thomas out of the corner of my eye. This one only shrugged slightly.

-This stupid whore robbed me - he growled pissed and walked to the machine pouring himself a cup of coffee - I knew something was wrong.

I raised my eyebrows slightly.

-Did she? Do you mean that nice brunette from yesterday's banquet? - I bit my lower lip.

Hermes met someone at a party yesterday and everyone was sure it was a one-time situation. This one, however, disappeared without a word and Hermes didn't see her anymore. So it was basically a one-off I laughed in spirit.

-This explains why she ran away so quickly - Thomas laughed softly under his nose - And I thought she was just scared of you.

-Close your face, or I'm going to shut you up again - he growled and walked out of the kitchen with a cup of coffee in his hand.

-Should we stay and help him find her? - I asked quietly looking at my man.

-No, forget it. The peasant can handle it himself. He's already a big kid - Thomas kissed me short on the neck - We have to go, baby.

-Are you going already? - asked with sadness my mother, who also just entered the kitchen passing in the aisle with Hermes - I thought you would stay for dinner.

-Unfortunately - I sighed - Tomorrow's Monday, I have to finally go to school - I murmured - I already missed too much class.

-When will you come back again? - asked Jeremy.

-We haven't left properly yet - Thomas rolled his eyes and I smiled.

-Maybe on the weekend? - I suggested - Or you come by. After all, it's only an hour and a half away - I smiled.

-We'll do it - said Evelyn and got up to say goodbye - Please, just be careful. Thomas I'm counting on you - she looked at him and he groaned.

-Just because you live with Bella in Downtown doesn't mean you can do whatever you want - Jeremy muttered - I'll send you some tasks that you can do in that part of the city.

Thomas nodded moderately satisfied. After a while we said goodbye to the rest and got in the car.

-God, finally school - I murmured.

After I stayed at Morretich's house for a month to rehabilitate myself properly, I even managed to miss school. The school, the club and Matt. In addition, Christmas was fast approaching.

After a few days, when he made sure I was okay, he came back to take care of the club. And of course because of the school. Admittedly, there was a Christmas break right away, but he had to catch up. I've already missed him.

-It will be interesting - muttered Thomas and looked at me grabbing my hand - But together we won't be bored - he witched his eye.

-Yes - I admitted to him with a smile - That's what I'm afraid of.


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