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My breathing accelerated, because of course, I automatically stressed and drank more water. Is it because I thought of Thomas? I felt my heart start beating faster and after a while, I raised my hand.

-Excuse me, can I go to the bathroom? - I asked the teacher, but even before she answered me, I was already standing on my feet and heading to the exit.

Luckily, the teacher liked me, so she just nodded without even looking at me and continued the lesson. I left the classroom making sure I had my phone with me. I went in a bathroom.

I looked at myself in the mirror wondering why I felt so bad. My belly hurt and I felt like I was breathing harder. I leaned over the sink and closed my eyes for a moment. I told myself to calm down, but when the pressure on the chest did not stop, I realized where's the problem.

I have an attack. Fucking panic attack.

But why now?

It happened to me sometimes, but usually when Julia went to her parents and I was left alone at home. I hated that and sometimes happened, that in the middle of the night I called Matt, who came to calm me down.

After a few times he decided to bring a few T-shirts and panties for change to stay at my place for the night. He didn't have to worry about packing, just got into the car and came to me.

Only Matt and my mother knew that I have panic attacks. Well, my mom know, but I think she thinks I'm making it up, because she never took my words seriously. I didn't even tell the girls. I was ashamed, so I'm trying to hide it at all costs. It's not difficult cause they usually took place at night and in my house.

However, this was the first time it happened in the middle of the day and in a fucking school.

Fucking. Amazing.

I breathed deeper a few times and checked quickly in which class Matt has lesson now. I knew I need him. I quickly left the bathroom and went down the floor trying to breathe as deeply as possible. I went to the right doors, but It turned out to be closed.

-Fuck me people, cmon - I groaned and grabbed my head, trying not to panic even more.

I ran quickly to the school board at the secretary's door, where various replacements and changes of rooms were displayed. Library. That's where they moved Matt's entire class.

I turned around quickly and ran to the library. When I get there, I quietly entered the room. I knew some people, but only Matt's closest friends. The rest was a strangers to me.

I ignored them when they started paying attention to me and I get to the teacher. He was sitting at the big desk writing something down in notebook. The whole class was most likely looking at me now, but I focused on pronouncing this one sentence without tangling my tongue or fainting.

-Good morning. Excuse me, could I borrow Matt for a second? - I asked quietly when I heard my voice tremble. I finally looked around the class looking for my friend.

-Good morning. Of course. Can I know why? - he asked nicely. I looked at my shaking hands. I was ready to answer when I felt familiar hands on my shoulders right behind me.

-Mr. Smith, please forgive us for two minutes - said Matt and pulled me into the hallway without even waiting for the teacher's response.

Barely the door from the library closed behind us and I was in his arms.

-Breathe Bells, breath. Everything is fine - he was hugging me tightly. I didn't even realize I'm crying.

-Matt I-I...I don't know w-why...- I cried trying to glue together some words.

Unknown. She-devil Where stories live. Discover now