❣︎ 𝒻𝒶𝓂𝒾𝓁𝓎 ❣︎

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"Oh, we have a long journey ahead of us. We should be going," Elijah talked to Elena. She turned to Rose desperately, "Please, don't let him take me."

"Last piece of business and we're done," Elijah informed and turned his attention to Trevor.

"I've waited so long for this day, Elijah," Trevor tried to keep his eyes on the ground. He was too afraid to look at the original vampire. "I'm truly, very sorry."

"Oh, your apology is not necessary," Elijah walked over to him.

"Yes, yes, it is." Elijah circled around him. "You trusted me with both; Katerina and Alice. And I failed you."

"Oh, yes, you are the guilty one," Elijah confirmed. "And Rose aided you, because she was loyal to you. That I honor," he stood in front of Trevor and looked into his eyes. "Where was your loyalty?"

"I beg your forgiveness." I watched the scene with anticipation. It wasn't going to end good.

"So granted," Elijah replied simply, without any sign of emotion. Trevor smiled relieved. Unfortunately too soon. With a smooth movement with his hand, Elijah knocked his head off. Trevor's lifeless body fell to the ground. Rose yelped from shock and cried out, "You!"

"Don't, Rose," Elijah warned her. "Now that you're free."

"Was it really necessary?" I asked, but Elijah didn't answer.

Rose kept her eyes on Trevor's body and cried. She had spent with him her whole life. It was matter of course she was devastated by it. Neither of us three had expected that.
      Elijah reached his hand out for Elena, "Come." She stepped away. She wanted to negotiate with him about the moonstone. "What about the moonstone?"

"What do you know about the moonstone?"

"I know that you need it and I know
where it is."

"In that case."

"I can help you get it."

"Tell me where it is."

"It doesn't work that way." She was a little clever thing.

"Are you negotiating with me?" Elijah was impressed.

"Obviously," I commented. I wanted attention. It was like if I wasn't there.

"It's the first I've heard of it," Rose said, when Elijah turned to her wanting an explanation. Elijah tried to compel Elena, but it didn't work. She had a vervain necklace. He ripped it from her neck and threw it away. Only then he was able to find out where the moonstone was. It was supposed to be in the tomb underneath the church ruins. I knew that father and the council had rounded the vampires there and burned them in 1864. So what tomb? Plus, according to Elena the moonstone was there with Katherine. That wasn't possible. It didn't make sense. Like how?

I perked my ears at the sound of breaking glass.

"What is that?" Elijah asked.

"I don't know," Rose answered.

"Who else is in this house?"

"I don't know."

Elijah grabbed Elena and headed to the staircase. "Alice, come!" he commanded. I rolled my eyes and followed behind him and Elena. "Move!" he was pushing Elena and Rose up the stairs. I was right behind them.
      We got into the entrance hall. We didn't see anyone, but heard someone vamp-speeding around us. We all were turning around after the sound.
      Elijah pushed Elena to me. She stumbled. I caught her and prevented her from falling.

"Rose?" Elijah questioned.

"I don't know who it is." The swishing continued. Someone was enjoying messing with us. "Up here," the voice called from the top of the stairs. Elijah sped there and looked around.

"Down here," another voice called from downstairs. We were turning around and searching for the vampires to who the voices belonged, when suddenly a wooden stake pierced Elijah's palm. As he turned his attention to it, someone grabbed me, vamp-sped with me away and pinned me to a wall. I stared at the man in awe and confusion, while Elijah talked, "Excuse me! To whom it may concern, you're making a great mistake if you think that you can beat me. You can't. You hear that? I repeat." I wasn't able to see him, but I heard him pluck that wooden hanger there from the floor, to which it was assigned.

"You cannot beat me," Elijah continued. My "rescuer" took his hand off my mouth slowly. "Da-"

"Shhh," he picked up his index finger to warn me not to do anything.

"So I want the girls on the count of three. Or heads will roll," Elijah broke the rack and made his own stake. "Do we understand each other?"
In that moment, Elena walked out from her hiding spot, "I'll come with you. Just please don't hurt my friends. They just wanted to help me out."
      What the hell was she doing? I peeked out to see also Elijah. My brother pulled me back. I was confused. Our eyes connected. I kept the eye contact going in confusion and happiness. However, Damon stared at me like if he didn't know me.
      Our eyes separated when I heard Elijah scream in pain. I peeked out again and slapped my brother's hand, because he wanted to pull me back anew. I watched Elijah healing quickly. His face was burned. Elena had thrown vervain on him. He healed and headed towards her up the stairs angrily.
      Then there was a shot. And another and another... Stefan was shooting Elijah with wooden bullets. Seemed like a little family reunion. How was they even alive? I had seen father shoot them.
      The bullets couldn't do anything to Elijah, but somehow, I got worried about him anyway. I ran out from the hideout. Damon didn't have a chance to catch me and react.

"Elijah!" I yelled. Though it was probably a mistake, because he turned to look at me and lost his concentration on Stefan, who threw away the gun and jumped at him. Together they both fell off the staircase. They landed down and Elijah got up swiftly, while Stefan stayed on the ground. Elijah went towards him. But what he certainly didn't expect was Damon. He pierced Elijah's heart with the rack and walked him to a wall. He pinned him to it, so Elijah practically hanged on the stake.

"No!" I screamed and Rose ran off.

"Alice..." Elijah whispered for the last time before he pass out. Both of my older brothers averted his eyes on me at the mention of my name.
      All I wanted was to be angry at them for killing Elijah, but I couldn't. I had been thinking they were dead for all this time and now I found them. Well, they found me. My brothers. My only family. My everything. Plus, Elijah wasn't dead, really, so.
      I let out a faint laugh. "Stefan? Damon?" It was their eyes that told me they finally realized. I ran down the stairs into Stefan's arms. "Alice, omg! Come here," he wrapped his arms around me and hold me tightly.

"I thought you were dead. I saw father shoot you." I let go off Stefan slowly and turned to Damon, "Damon..." I threw my hands around him. "I saw your dead bodies." I remembered escaping from my bedroom to find their bodies. I remembered their cold, numb skin on the touch. I remembered the feeling. The exact same feeling when mother had died.

"Alice..." Damon exhaled. I buried my face into his shoulder and didn't want to let go. Never again!


Author's note: Okay, I don't know if I like it or not. What do you think?

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