16 First Day

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You woke up to another servant peeking uncomfortable close into your face. "The prince is requesting your presence in fifteen minutes," he spoke and left without any other word.

You still stared up at the ceiling with wide eyes, processing this unexpected encounter. You almost jumped in his face due to thinking he was some intruder before realizing who he was and where you were - last night still felt somehow like a dream, remembering now.

But only fifteen minutes? Your eyes were still glued by sleep crust and hair in a tangled mess. But you knew they were your new duties, and that you will be paid for them. You had to do as you were told, now.

You got up and aimed for the sink, washing your face in the fresh, cold water the servant had brought with him before waking you up. You drank a bit from your cupped hands. There was a brush on the edge of the sink basin, which you used to comb the length of your hair with, braiding it swiftly into a simple braid.

Opening the wardrobe, you found a new pair of dresses hanging there - your new maid's uniform, simple linen skirt with semi long sleeved top and an apron to tie around your waist.

Just how did you not wake up when the servant had obviously run around your room so much, bringing you all this?

They must've put something in your drink at dinner. Or perhaps the mattress was just so soft it made you feel like you were on a cloud.

Honestly, the luxury made you feel guilty once again. Why were you lucky enough to experience all this, but not your parents? What did you do to deserve this?

Blowing out your cheeks, you reminded yourself - it was for them. You were doing this to make their lives at least a tiny bit easier, to give them at least some money for wellbeing.

Taking the last glimpse of yourself in the mirror to make sure you looked nice and tidy, you meekly knocked on the door connecting your room with Masashi's bedroom.

Why were you nervous, though?

You just simply didn't know what to expect.

"Is that you, little girl? You don't need to knock. Just come in," you heard the prince's voice laced with sleep, muffled due to the door and wall separating you two from one another.

The door, unlocked, opened and as you stepped out into the adjoining room, you immediately noticed the figure sprawled across the bedsheets as you turned your head around, taking in all the ornaments carved on the wooden furniture, the intricate weavings of the carpet on the floor, the tall windows and shimmery curtains in the big bedroom.

You stood in the middle of the room, waiting for some kind of an order, a task to do. You felt awkward.

"What are you standing there for?" the raven head asked, amused. His hair really did look like raven feathers, spread messily all around him in an uneven circle as he lay.

"Well, what should I do?"

You did not enjoy this at all. Being told what to do? Okay, you can get through that. But having to be exposed to that shame under the eyes of Masashi, since he was the one to command? Not at all.

You had to swallow your bitter, though. You were not here because of him, merely for the work.

Only then did the man lift up his head from the silken bedsheets, his eyes trailing your body up and down before he met your gaze. Black eyes meeting e/c ones.

The prince raised a brow. "I guess I should've explained a little more." He laughed as if you were a joke.

You kept standing in the middle of the room while his eyes observed you, amused by your evident lack of understanding. Your eyebrows knitted together, steam bubbling inside due to how he treated you.

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