5.5 Meeting The Youngest

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After leaving you to get accustomed to your room, rest from the short ride and unpack, as the raven head phrased it, you found out you didn't even need to pack any clothing with you; you found the big wooden closet to be full of dresses fitting your size, but you didn't dare to try any on in case they actually weren't meant for you. The young male told you he was going to come back for you and take you to see more of the palace, but you had no idea when and currently, you were bored out of your mind.

You sat mindlessly on the soft mattress. Previously, you had admired the brush strokes on each tiny painting hung on your walls, but it didn't take you that much time and now, you had nothing else to do as you were too afraid to walk the palace alone.

It was all so big and spacious you were sure you'd get lost by yourself. Moreover, you couldn't even remember the way from your room back to the first opening hall through which you came.

A rapping on the door could be heard.

"Come in!"

The door opened and you saw an angel.

A tall, slim figure with flowing white shirt and pants of light grey color, pale yellow hair floated above his shoulders and light blue eyes gazed at you, crinkled by the charming smile which spread on his cheeks. Even though his eyes held a cold color, they filled you with warmth as you stared into them.

He raised his hand to tuck a stray strand of his hair behind his ear. "Mesmerized much, are we?" he laughed.

Only then did you snap back into reality and realized that this was indeed not an angel; merely a mortal boy.

Still, you wouldn't have thought twice if suddenly seeing a pair of bright wings spreading out from behind his back and a halo appearing above his head.

"Sorry... I've just expected someone else," you sheepishly admitted, embarrassed. You could feel your cheeks heating up.

Another laugh omitted out of him, sounding like a melody to your ears.

All of a sudden, a horror expression overtook his features. "Where are my manners?" he exclaimed to himself, then he gave a smile. "Allow me to introduce myself, " he said as he bowed deeply to you, walking closer to take one of your hands into his own. "My name is Yuichi, but feel free to call me Yu." He kissed your hand, his orbs the color of early sky never leaving yours.

"I'm Y/n," you whispered, this time flustered.

He stood up straight and waved a hand. "Oh, I know, that's precisely why I'm here - to get to know you!" he beamed at you like a child and you could practically see the sparks in his eyes.

"Oh, you know me?" you asked, taken aback.

He nodded vigorously. "Of course! My brother has told me about you and that you're staying here for a few days too!"

Frowning, you didn't realize at first but then it hit you. "So Masashi is your brother?" You'd never have guessed; the two men seemed like polar opposites to you.

His head bobbed up and down again, pale yellow hair falling into his face in the process, making him tuck them behind his ears again. "The youngest brother of the Sakai, and also the best with ladies, may I say," he playfully winked, which made you flustered even more.

"Don't get too cocky," a voice suddenly said from behind him, not shortly before Masashi's slightly shorter frame came into view. He scowled at his taller, younger brother. "Just because a few girls confessed doesn't mean they don't turn their heads when I walk by," he said, almost as if he needed to defend himself and his dignity.

You tried to hide your snicker as the darker boy cast a frown your way, daring you to say anything.

Yu chuckled again, a heartwarming sound filled the room. Then, clearing his throat subtly, he plastered a smile. "I hope Sashi did not give you a lot of troubles. He can be a little meanie sometimes," he slyly whispered, elbowing his brother into his ribs, to which the other boy grunted.


"Yeah! That's what we call him; short for Masashi."

"Sashi..." you mumbled to yourself, "more like sassy."

The angelic boy snickered and Masashi gave you an incredulous look of disbelief.

"Don't be too hard on him, Y/n. It's not his fault he lacks intelligence and wit," Yu said, pretending to be pitiful and patting his older brother on his shoulder in empathy.

A few seconds passed in silence before both you and Yu burst out laughing.

"That would be enough," Masashi's hard voice was firm, your laughter dying out. He pushed the longer haired boy out of the room. "She's my guest, so leave her alone," you heard him mutter to his brother as he shut the door close.

And it was only you and Masashi in the room.

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