2 An Ill Request

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“What is all the commotion here in front of my bakery?” The plump man made his way through the crown you hadn't even noticed had gathered on the street to look at the scene unfold. The scene with you and the mysterious, intimidating boy who's gaze was still piercing yours. Only the baker running up to him finally made him tear his eyes from you, which made you mentally sigh with relief. The moment the baker saw who was standing in front of him, he immediately changed the tone of his voice and ceased his muttering. “High lord, pleased to have you here. Please, welcome. You're free to get anything from my humble shop, for free, of course,” he hurried on to add, all the while bowing down vigorously.

The so-called prince smirked, “I've already got what I wanted, bakerman. I hope your bread is as good as the people have told me it was.”

The baker's eyes grew wider. “Did Y/n here already serve you? I believe you had no problems encountered with her, my lord...” his voice trailed of under the boy's intent look.

“No problems, as you say, baker,” the boy nodded to himself briefly, his fringe bouncing up on his forehead. “ Although now it makes me curious, tell me where were you that I did not get the pleasure of you selling me your goods?” The way he said it, it was almost as if he was mocking the baker, a hint of disregard present in his deep voice.

Even if the baker noticed, he showed no sign of it and scrambled to answer, “Of course I shall tell you, of course high lord. Why I was up o'er in the city, my lord, getting ingredients for my cakes, if it pleases you. Y/n here watched my shop in the meantime, high lord. A hardworking girl, she is,” nodding his head to himself, he bowed multiple times again.

“A hardworking girl?” the prince asked with a scorn. As if you weren't right next to him. “I think she could still use some more discipline.”

With that remark, the baker cast an angry look upon you before changing his expression completely as he looked towards the boy again. “Discipline, young lord, you say? Of course, why of course, I'll make sure to teach her better.”

One of the servants, the one who wasn't Goerge, came up to the trio and bowed his head slightly towards the boy, “are we free to go, master? Your family is already waiting for you at home.” His voice wasn't tight like whn the baker spoke to him, but rather quite relaxed, as if he had been working for the royal family for a long time. Considering the grey in his hair, it might've well been true.

“I think,” the boy started, a thoughtful expression overtaking his features, “I think I might not go just yet. Look around, Sameel, don't you find this village charming?” His tone wasn't harsh or mean like when he spoke to you when addressing this man, nor did it held such a commanding tone. Still, the way he said it sounded like the man could not really disagree with him and that the boy knew it, as well.

At this, the baker grew alive again, “of course, high lord, stay for a while and enjoy the offerings our tiny village can give. Charming, as you say, and beautiful. Come around and we can cook a feast for you, my lord, anytime and anywhere,” his fast speech made him difficult to understand, but you could make out most of what he said. His cheeks were slightly colored from nervousness.

“No feast, baker, I will not stay so long. A simple tour of the village will be enough. This girl can show me around, maybe it will teach her how to act around such honorable guests,” spoke the boy.

He wants me to give him a tour of our village? Me?

“Great, so first he steals my bread and then I'm stuck showing him around?” you muttered underneath your breath, annoyed. Just what is this boy thinking? That he owns the whole world?

Although you were sure you said it so quietly to yourself no one could hear, an amused smile appeared on the boy's lips. “And make sure this girl gets some bread, baker.”

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