6 Dinner With A Prince

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"But I think it would be better had you put on some of those dresses," Masashi commented, walking over to the closet and rummaged around. You had asked him whether he came to get you so that he can show you around the palace, but he instantly told you that you cannot possibly walk around such a place in the simple clothes you were wearing.

It made you a little angry how casually he talked of how bad you basically look, but you felt like having no energy to argue.

It was the palace after all; maybe he was right about abiding some level of decency.

"Here, I think these would suit you," he surprised you by pulling out a dress with puffed skirts decorated with laces and pearls, of f/c in color, short flowy sleeves reaching above your elbows and more pearls around the waistline. "Go change." And there was the commander again. You couldn't have even gotten the chance to think of his gesture as sweet, telling you such a beautiful dress would suit you since his typical way of behaving was back; ordering everyone around.

Even though you were his host; did he really think he was superior to you and had power over you, making it alright for him to tell you what to do?

He pushed you into your private bathroom, the dress suddenly in your hands as he shut the door back close.

The bathroom was smaller compared to the room, yet much bigger than that you had at home. With a bathtub, cabinets for toiletries, sink and toilet, with soft towels hanging on the wall, the lightly colored tiles and a big mirror on one wall. You stared into it. You really didn't look the most pretty and lovely in that dress in which you came.

Stripping out of the linen fabric, you pulled the other, much more softer and silkier, over your head. It hugged your curves perfectly, the cleavage being deeper and revealing more than what you'd normally wear, waist fitting snugly and pearly f/c skirts reaching to the ground, completely hiding your shoes in them. Even though it was tighter that your original ones, the dress was not uncomfortable.

As you stepped out, the raven head was looking out your window into the distance, but at the sound of the door opening, his head whipped around. With his scrutinizing gaze, he looked you over as you tried not to cover yourself up before claiming something was missing.

He came near you and to stand behind your back. His fingers reached for your hair, untying them swiftly so that the long h/c locks would fall down your shoulders freely. He ran his hand through your hair.

"Prince Masashi?" you breathed out his title and name, not quite sure how to call him, not quite comprehending what was happening.

It was as if he caught himself out of a trance. Begrudgingly, he stepped away from you. "Now, that looks better," he remarked, voice a little strained.

When you turned around, the tips of his ears were pink, but you weren't sure if you just hadn't imagined it; you could not believe the boy full of scorn to be blushing. Not because of you, anyway.

Turning on his heels before you could tease him, he rushed out the room and beckoned for you to follow, back in his normal, irritated mood. "I'll show you the dining room since it's time to eat soon."

Leading you through some passages, some wider, some more narrow, you had to hold up your skirts as you weren't used to them so long and tripped on them often. Eventually, you ended up in a big hall, long windows on one side, detailed artworks on the other, with a big chandelier hanging above a long table for dining, with candles, baskets of fresh fruit and vegetables, big pitchers of wine.

You had been standing in the dining hall for mere seconds when half a dozen servants strolled in, carrying trays and bowls of steaming soup, meat, potatoes, baked vegetables or cheeses. One also carried in a jar of crystal clear water, all bowing wildly to you and the prince in the process. You had never seen so much food in one place at one time. It took your utmost effort not to bulge your eyes at the amount and provide the young male with even more material for him to tease you about.

Devils in Disguise (possessive royals x reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن