৹ chapter - 7

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Jungkook's exam came to see. Exam centre is in the capital,Seoul. It takes 6 hours to go. It is impossible to take the test from home.Jaysuk's uncle house is next to the exam centre.After talking, yoona and jungkook will stay there for a month and a half.Jaysuk remained at home with the other two daughters. Before bringing jungkook to the house, Yoona came to see how the environment is!! One of Jaysuk's two cousin lives in Seoul.The other one is very old, married sons and daughters and lives alone with his wife. Boys work in the City. Suitable place for jungkook. So, she did not comment.

During the exam, yoona seats or stands outside the centre while jungkook takes the exam.

All around is very quite. A voice came from a far away with the sound of the whistle. A late night train is running towards its destination. Another voice is coming from somewhere, nearby a group of street dogs are barking. jungkook kept his eyes on the English book and said in a low voice, "Tomorrow is the last exam.".... Yoona said, "The same thing happened yesterday, at the day before yesterday" jungkook fell silent.

He pretended to be reading very attentively. Yoona narrowed her eye and looked at Jungkook. The boy is trying hard to concentrate on his studies, but can't succeed.His lawyer lip is repeatedly pressed with the teeth.

"Kook, let's go to the roof." Yoona said.

Jungkook was a little surprised by Yoona's proposal. The nose became red. It is not known what causes the red nose. jungkook looked a little haggard. Yoona again said "let's go".... jungkook came running from the table in high speed. he said, "I will go."

The name of this house is really ancient (Throne house). It is not possible to know the reason why the house has such a name without going to the roof. Mother and son are climbing the stairs towards the roof. The sound of their foot steps fade away into the Darkness or mingling with the moonlight.....

A huge Throne stand right in the middle of the roof. Seeing that jungkook's eyes widend. He asked with surprise, "Mom, who's thrown is this? it's so big.".......

Yoona is enjoying seeing the expression of jungkook's face. She discovered this Throne, 2 days ago. She had ask the owner of the house just like jungkook. She repeated the owner of the house's reply ...

"your father's uncle's father was a University professor. He wanted to have a Throne on the Roof of his house. At the last age, he fulfilled his wish. He used to sit on the Throne day and night in a royal manner. His death also happened while sleeping on the Throne."

After listening to his mother. jungkook looks closely at the Throne. That Throne is standing upright across.It was made of brick-cement. looks too big. it shall be 5 feet in length or more. Yoona said "He probably dreamed of a Throne Like The Throne of our ancient king. Could not do it for the money."

Jungkook did not understand his mother's word. He said to his mother, "mom, you sit on the throne". In one word Yoona sat on the Throne. Then she called jungkook to sit next to her. Jungkook did not reply he set next to yoouna. Then lay down with his head in her lap. Then he said Dreamingly "why did not you become a Queen and I became a princess,mom. everyone would loved us respected us. He looked fascinated."

Yoona's chest heave a original sign. Why is society against her? why jungkook is exception?why belongs to this society since childhood? why jungkook did not get the right to mix with other girls and boys?

she said," Whatever the birth maybe. Failure of a person who falls into death without bringing success in life. You try to go to a place where people will respect you. They will forced to respect. Afraid to look up, those who have done far away should be bound by conscience."

Yoona patted jungkook's head. Sometimes the leaves break the silence to shake the wings of the fan. The sound is coming, Jungkook raised his eyes and look at the the sky.There is one moon, countless stars stars in the sky, like a full black carpet feelings. Yona is delusional.

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