Start from the beginning

The three of them had made it to the gym as they opened the doors "Beatrix, get them out of here!" Elena yelled, as Beatrix stopped in her tracks, she put her arms out in front of Bonnie and Matt, as Klaus stood there, along with Dana and her boyfriend behind them seeming to be compelled, Klaus then sped over to them and as he did, Beatrix spun Bonnie around keeping her behind her "ah, now I see it, the difference in your eyes this time when you have your soul versus the last time you were protecting your little witch friend there was nothing behind your eyes, no hope, no remorse, nothing." he shared, as Elena, Bonnie and Matt furrowed their brows.

"Beatrix, what..what's he talking about?" Elena asked her, as Klaus raised her brows "guess you didn't tell your friends about your summer vacation." he said, as he looked behind them and at Dana "ah, Dana, why don't you relax? You and Chad sit tight." he told her, as he then looked to Bonnie "I assume you're the reason Elena is still walking around alive?" he asked her "that's right, if you want to blame someone, blame me." Bonnie told him "oh, there's no need for blame, love. Just your witchy interference seems to have caused some undesirable side effects. And since you caused the problem. I'm gonna have you find the fix." Klaus shared.

As a blonde girl dragged Tyler in "ugh! Get off of me!" he voiced 'hush now." the blonde told him, as Klaus held his arm out "I'd like you all to meet my sister..Rebekah. Word of warning, she can be quite mean." he shared "don't be an ass." Rebekah told him, shoving Tyler toward's him, Klaus caught him "leave him alone." Elena told him "I'm gonna make this very simple." Klaus shared, as he walked past them all and turned facing them with Tyler, they all turned looking at him "every time I attempt to turn a werewolf into a vampire hybrid they die during the transition. It's quite horrible, actually." Klaus shared, biting into his wrist and feeding Tyler his blood.

As all of their eyes went wide "I need you to find a way to save my hybrids, Bonnie. And for Tyler's sake..you better hurry." Klaus told them, as he snapped Tyler's neck "ah!" Beatrix screamed, turning away from him and as she did, Matt put his arms around her, as he watched along with Bonnie and Elena as Tyler's body hit the floor, Klaus smirked.

They all were standing there like that for a while, as Klaus had walked away from them along with Rebekah "he killed him." Matt said as he ran his hand through Beatrix's hair "he's not dead. Klaus's blood will turn him into a vampire." Elena shared "and if Bonnie's successful he'll live through his transiton." Klaus shared as he and Rebekah walked back over to them, and as he did, Beatrix turned away from Matt "I already told you how to fix it! You didn't believe me, remember?" she asked him, as Bonnie put her hand on her shoulder "Beatrix it's okay." she told her "no, it's not, Bonnie!" Beatrix voiced, as Klaus grabbed her arm "which is why you little witch are gonna stay with me and Elena while Bonnie goes and fetches her grimoires and enchantments and what not." he told her.

As Beatrix turned and looked at him, pulling her arm out of his grasp, she looked to Bonnie with raised brows, as Bonnie turned walking out with Matt "so this is the latest doppelganger." Rebekah said as she looked Elena over "the original one was much prettier." she shared, as Beatrix furrowed her brows "that doesn't make any sense when they look the exact same." she shared, as Rebekah stepped toward's her, Klaus stepped in between them "enough, Rebekah. Take the wolf boy elsewhere, would you?" he asked her, Rebekah smirked as she turned walking over to Tyler and grabbing him by the arm as she dragged him off, Klaus turned to Beatrix, leaning down to her ear "just ignore her. Petty little thing." he told her, smiling as Beatrix looked to Elena who was watching them.

Where soon Beatrix and Elena were standing together , while Klaus sat on the bleachers"what was Klaus talking about when he said you didn't have your soul?" Elena asked her, as Beatrix shook her head "it's not a conversation I wanna have Elena." she told her, as Elena sighed "Beatrix, whatever happened you can talk to me." she told her, as the sound of a door opening filled their ears, they all turned seeing Stefan walking in "Stefan." Elena said, but Stefan didn't even look to them "Klaus." he said, looking only at him "come to save your damsel, mate?" Klaus asked him "I came to ask for your forgiveness. And pledge my loyalty." Stefan told him.

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