Book 1: Water

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Cut to a closeup of a young female waterbender; as she lift the water up it switches to a young pint-size earthbender bending a column of earth from the ground.


The column of earth breaks into a single boulder, which the earthbender punches away. The earthbender then strikes at the ground, which becomes a blazing fire being manipulated by a young male firebender wearing a red headband.


The firebender sweeps the fire around their feet, the motion switching into a child airbender manipulating a storm of pink petals.


The airbender directs the air toward the camera, creating a tornado of petals. The scene cuts to show a map of the world, the lands of each nation indicated by their respective color. Several candles are dotted about the edges of the map.

For millennia, the four nations have lived in harmony,

Cut to show a scene of Avatar Kyoshi in a field of grass.

a peace made possible by the Avatar...

Cut to a closeup of Kyoshi as she opens her fans, her eyes glowing as she enters the Avatar State.

the one person with the ability to master all four elements

As Kyoshi narrates, she demonstrates each bending art one-by-one.

and protect the delicate balance between nations.

Kyoshi begins to rise in a spout formed of all four elements, before slamming down into the ground, sending shockwaves of the elements in all directions.

When one Avatar dies

Cut to show Kyoshi climbing an endless series of stone steps, taking her place alongside the assembled past Avatars.

their spirit is reborn into a new body in an eternal cycle.

As Kyoshi reaches her place, she acknowledges her predecessor, Avatar Kuruk.

Since the death of the last Avatar,

Avatar Roku climbs the steps to take his place in front of Kyoshi.

the new incarnation has yet to emerge.

The scene changes to a deep red, showing various Fire Nation soldiers and ships.

And so Fire Lord Sozin, the ruthless leader of the Fire Nation,

A giant silhouette of Sozin is shown looking over the scene.

believes this is his moment to launch a merciless campaign to conquer the world.

The scene changes to show a small model of the Southern Air Temple atop a large mountain, the base surrounded by flames.

His first step is to eliminate the one person who could stand in his way.

As the camera pulls up, an airbender is shown flying on his staff around numerous large earth columns.

The next master of all four elements,

The airbender flies toward the camera, before landing and holding his staff behind his back.

an airbender who may not be ready for the responsibility of becoming... the Avatar.

Scene ends as the airbender is shown to be Aang, looking out over the large valley below.

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