Episode 1: Aang

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The scene opens to a fiery comet blazing across the night sky, before panning slowly down to reveal the Fire Nation Palace courtyard. The camera goes from showing a boy with slightly longer hair and a red headband around his head kneeling on one end, to a girl around his age kneeling on the other end of the courtyard. Cut to a shot of the boy standing up and turning around; cut to the girl doing the same. Cut to a shot of her taking off her Fire Lord garments.

Girl: I'm sorry it has to end this way, my love.

Boy: No you're not.

She smiles and assumes an awkward fighting stance. She spins and sends a sudden blast of blue fire toward him. The boy brings his hands up and jumps forward, bringing his arms down in front of him. He bends a flame in each hand and they emerge. He sends the fire toward the girl. The scene cuts to the side of the fight to show a wall of fire, blue colliding with red, as it begins to take a purple form. The scene pans back up to the fiery comet blazing across the night sky, before panning slowly down to reveal the Fire Nation capital city.

(A hundred years ago)

A bell is heard ringing in the background, as the camera continues to pan down to reveal a man dressed in a Fire Nation outfit being pursued by several guards. A bell is heard ringing in the background, as the camera continues to pan down to reveal a man dressed in a Fire Nation outfit being pursued by several guards.

Guard: There he is! Cut him off!

Guard: Stop in the name of...

The man continues evading his pursuers, moving off the street and slipping down a narrower alleyway. Camera cuts to a close up as he runs, a determined look on his face as the guards behind him continue to shout. Cut to a shot of the red scroll in his hand, ornately decorated with an encircling golden dragon. As the man keeps running, he disturbs a flock of opposum-chickens which begin squawking, before turning down another alleyway.

Guard: There is he.

Guard: Don't let him get away!

The man stops in the middle of the street as he sees guards closing in on him from both sides, before knocking over several boxes and continuing his escape down a small alley. As the man continues his escape, several guards appear in front of him, ordering him to stop. The man does not break his stride so the guards ignite flames in their hands, to which he responds by earthbending at the ground, causing large spikes of earth to emerge and slam the guards away. He earthbends again, creating a large ramp which he uses defend himself against a firebending attack before the earthen ramp falls on his assailant.

Guard: An earthbender?!

The earthbender continues his escape before spotting his accomplice at the end of the alleyway with two ostrich horses. The accomplice encourages him to hurry, but before the man can reach him he is hit with a firebending blast from behind, knocking him to the ground and causing the scroll to fly from his hand. Turning to face the approaching guards, he slams his hand into the ground, causing chunks of earth to levitate in front of him before striking them at the guards, knocking them down. As the guards are momentarily dazed, he turns to look at the scroll as his accomplice continues to encourage him, before looking back at the guards as they start to stand. He then earthbends at the ground, striking the scroll and flinging it into the hands of his accomplice.

Spy: Get that to the Earth King. They're going to start a war!

He observes the approaching guards.

Spy: Go now!

The accomplice pauses for a second before taking off, as the man creates a wall of earth between them to defend his escape, yelling with the effort of doing so. He then turns to face the guards before launching himself into them with earthbending, kicking one to the ground and slamming two others aside with chunks of earth. One of the other guards attempts to firebend at him, but he parries it aside before striking him with his fist. He earthbends the ground, but the guards pull him back before he can finish. Another guard strikes at him with firebending, but the spy kicks him away before knocking down the other guards. He starts to earthbend the ground again, but a guard blasts him directly with firebending, knocking him back. The spy takes several more direct blasts of fire before falling to the ground. As he falls, the camera cuts to show him falling to the ground in the Fire Lord's throne room.

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