xvi ━ an issue or two

Start from the beginning

That wasn't good, not good at all.

"But where is the Wolf House?" he pleaded.

Rebecca looked away uncomfortably, she could tell them, but she didn't think it was her place, it was Jason's call.

"Our last trip," Thalia said, her image starting to flicker. "The park. Jack London. Remember?"

Rebecca remembered ages ago when Jason told her about that trip, Jason seemed to remember too, because he looked as if he had been shot.

He tottered, his face pale, and the Iris message disappeared.

Rebecca looked at him, "you okay."

He nodded, directly looking at her, neither of them broke the eye contact.

"Uh yeah," Jason said. "Sonoma Valley. Not far. Not by air."

Piper turned to the ranger pilot, who'd been watching all this with an increasingly puzzled expression.

Yeah, he wasn't understanding a single thing.

"Ma"am," Piper said with her best smile. "You don't mind helping us one more time, do you?"

"I don't mind," the pilot agreed.

"We can't take a mortal into battle," Jason said. "It's too dangerous." He turned to Leo. "Do you think you could fly this thing?"

"Um..." Leo's expression didn't exactly reassure Rebecca. But then he put his hand on the side of the helicopter, concentrating hard, as if listening to the machine.

"He can," Rebecca said confidently, and turned to Leo. "You can Leo."

"Bell 412HP utility helicopter," Leo answered with a smile. "Composite four-blade main rotor, cruising speed twenty-two knots, service ceiling twenty-thousand feet. The tank is near full. Sure, I can fly it."

He smiled at her grateful, she smiled back.

Piper turned to the ranger again. "You don't have a problem with an under-aged unlicensed kid borrowing your copter, do you? We'll return it."

"I—" The pilot nearly choked on the words, but she got them out: "I don't have a problem with that."

Rebecca laughed- neither of the three were surprised, at how surrealist the whole situation was. But in a world of gods and monsters, what could she expect?

Leo grinned. "Hop in, kids. Uncle Leo's gonna take you for a ride."

The sun was going down as they flew north over the Richmond Bridge, and Rebecca didn't grasp how fast time had gone by.

"So what's the Wolf House?" Leo asked.

Jason knelt between their seats. "An abandoned mansion in the Sonoma Valley. A demigod built it-Jack London." Leo couldn't place the name. "He an actor?"

"Writer," Rebecca corrected. "Adventure stuff. Call of the Wild, White Fang."

"Yeah," Jason said. "He was a son of Mercury-I mean, Hermes. He was an adventurer, traveled the world. He was even a hobo for a while.
Then he made a fortune writing. He bought a big ranch in the country and decided to build this huge mansion—the Wolf House."

✔ 𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐂 𝐁𝐋𝐔𝐄 𝐕𝐈𝐎𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐍  ⋆  jason grace  Where stories live. Discover now