Part Twenty Three-(Az) Hierarchy

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I sit down on the side of the bed with itchy fingers. I want to touch her. Any contact. "The cops have found you," I say. "We're the cops."

Her hand drops from her head, and the doubt in her gaze makes me smile. "Oh yeah, that's right. Government agents, right? And what branch of the government is this?"

"The X-Teams."

Her lips form a silent 'oh', and she nods her head. I don't know if she doesn't believe me, or if she just doesn't understand.

"Tell me what a municipal police officer would've done in front of Beliasos last night," I say, trying really hard to keep the humor out of my voice. Just thinking about the scenario gives me enough laughter fodder for about fifty years.

She shrugs. "Do you have a badge or any other identification to prove I haven't been kidnapped?" She has a sly half smile on her face so I'm thinking she's messing with me, but I'll play along.

I reach into my back pocket and open my wallet. My government badge shines dimly in the filtered light coming through the window behind me. I hand it to her, and she inspects it closely bringing a wide smile to my lips. She gives it back, and then her blue eyes are back on mine.

"Does the government make hiring demons for their ranks a habit, or are you a special case?"

I shove my wallet back into my pocket. "Not a habit, but I'm not the only one."

This seems to surprise her, which I suppose, should. "How many good demons are there?"

I shake my head and look down at her hand. I want to hold it so badly I can feel the itch climbing my arm. "Not as many as there should be."

Her stomach growls then, and it's a loud one. She turns bright red and covers it with her hand. It's not until that moment that I realize just how prominent her cheek bones are.

"How long has it been since you've eaten?" I ask.

"I don't know." She pushes the covers off of her and looks disgustedly down at her clothing and what it's done to the once clean sheets. "A couple weeks I think."

A couple weeks?! "Jesus, woman! You need to eat!" I leap off the bed. "I don't even know if you should start out small and just eat a couple bites, or if you can have a full meal, or if you should only be eating broth. Ugh." I rub a hand down my face and look back over at her. She's smiling and so close to laughing that I would do anything just to hear it. She hasn't laughed yet. I want to hear it.

But then her smile wanes, and she pushes herself into a standing position, wavering slightly. I take her arm, balancing her out.

"I'd actually like a shower first," she says and then looks down at herself again. "But I have no clean clothes."

Cora. "I'll get you some. I'm sure one of the ladies here has something they'll let you borrow for the time being."

She nods and smiles gratefully. I lead her over to the en-suite bathroom, make sure she's not going to fall if I release her, and then close the door behind me. I need to talk to Kathy. She'll know what Jocelyn can eat. I need to talk to Cora. She hates me right now but not Jocelyn. Surely she'll loan her some clothes. I need to find Lawson and tell him what happened. I need to check on Amelia. I need to...

Good God. I need to relax. There's time for all of this. It's only day one of five I have left in this dimension. I've got time.

Just as I'm leaving the room, I bump right into Cora who has an armful of clothes. The scowl on her face is toxic and almost makes me wince.

X-Team ThreeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz